EMG Pickups


Carnivorous Jesus
Apr 7, 2002
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Are they really as good as everyone makes them out to be? and if so what model is the best for most rhythm and sometimes leads?
Yes, they really are that good. Didn't know how much better until I heard my guitar tone versus the lead guitarist's when my band recorded our ep. He had an EMG, I had a Duncan JB. His tone just seemed much more aggressive. The 85 is a little more suited for rhythm. But shit, if you're getting a high output pickup, you should get the one that sounds the most high output. That would be the EMG 81. Much more bite, much better for heavy riffing- just my opinion, but I've had plenty time playing with both the 85 and the 81.
i have emg's 81 and 85 the 85 is ok its not really for me but the 81 rocks my balls i luve it. i had to learn guitar on a fender tele it wasen't even mine. it doesen't sound to good with distortion but when i bought my esp and but those emg's on it omg i was in heaven the sound is so............ crisp. get emg's u will love them i married mine
Active pickups don't just respond to changes in magnetic fields, they amplify them. This makes them much higher output. Higher output + high gain = crunchy distortion.
EMG's rock - I'm gonna get my guitar refitted with 2 EMG 'buckers and a seymour duncan single coil
EMG's are sweet, they'll be fine in an RG. And they work well for clean stuff as well.

I'd put an 81 in the bridge for far out aggressive riffing, and SA in the mid and an 89 in the neck. the 89 is an 85 that you can split into an SA, so youy get more tonal variation. Very good.

81 is a killer pickup for rythm :)
Hearse, its REAL easy to install on active and one passive pickup in the same guitar....

As far as clean tone goes, its not the best, but its certainly not the worst either. Roll off some of the top end with your tone knob and it should work alright.
Originally posted by Dead Eternity
batteries.. what is when they are out of charge, is there no sound anymore?

They run out of juice you pick up your guitar and it suddenly sounds like shit. Most of the time you forget it's got a battery as well, so you end up thinking there's something wrong with the amp. Especially as the battery lasts a long time...
Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees

They run out of juice you pick up your guitar and it suddenly sounds like shit. Most of the time you forget it's got a battery as well, so you end up thinking there's something wrong with the amp. Especially as the battery lasts a long time...

same thing with my old analog effect pedal.
Which reminds me, has anyone here tried or is anyone using the EMG707? From what I've heard they sound quite nice, but I am apprehensive of routing out the control cavity in a guitar (along with the pickguard) to install them. Also, they don't make a single coil, but I am tempted? ANyone got any experience with them?