Eminem kicks ass


seriously man i like eminem better than the cds with john bush singing on em. cause john bush fuuckin sucks, why the fuck u think they got belladonna back man cause he is better and belladonna crushes bush cause bush cant sing man dont u see that joey will always be the REAL voice of ANTHRAX and not bush cause Joey is better and john bush cant sing and thats why they brought back spitz and joey cause spitz is also better than rob.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
cause john bush fuuckin sucks, why the fuck u think they got belladonna back man cause he is better and belladonna crushes bush cause bush cant sing man dont u see that joey will always be the REAL voice of ANTHRAX and not bush cause Joey is better and john bush cant sing and thats why they brought back spitz and joey cause spitz is also better than rob.

Thats a fucking long sentence.........Your ability to reason is like a tire gone flat, give it up mosher, Eminem sucks :Smug: :headbang:
reidie said:
Thats a fucking long sentence.........Your ability to reason is like a tire gone flat, give it up mosher, Eminem sucks :Smug: :headbang:

Yeah, What he said!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd rather see threads about other Metal bands, Not rap bands. & also why cant people like Bush & Belladonna?? I like 'em both!! Not that everyone's gonna, But damn it makes me wonder about some of these so called Anthrax fans. If you like Anthrax then you like Anthrax, But some of you only like a certain singer & show NO respect to the BAND!! :confused: :guh: :mad:
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Not Really. If you'd open your mind and shut your face, you might like a song or two.

A buddy of mine rented Woodstock '99 on pay per view. Considering that Woodstock '99 was musically, one of the worst festivals of all time, ICP had a lot of competition in the suck ass department. Even then ICP was the worst band I saw that day, and in the top 3 worst bands I've ever seen in my life. As far as being openminded, here's a few of the bands/artists off the top of my head that I love and own albums by: Johnny Winter, the Stones, KRS-One, Miles Davis, Death, Peter Tosh, Slayer, and Bach. I'd say anyone who listens to rock, blues, jazz, death metal, thrash metal, hip hop, reggae, and baroque classical has diverse tastes. Those are only 8 bands/genres. I could list a LOT more that I love. Everything I've heard by ICP has failed MISERABLY in the good music stakes!
Anthrax_Mosher said:

seriously man i like eminem better than the cds with john bush singing on em. cause john bush fuuckin sucks, why the fuck u think they got belladonna back man cause he is better and belladonna crushes bush cause bush cant sing man dont u see that joey will always be the REAL voice of ANTHRAX and not bush cause Joey is better and john bush cant sing and thats why they brought back spitz and joey cause spitz is also better than rob.

Dude, you have to be joking!! Or your on crack? I don't know. But for you to sit here and say M&M is a better singer than John Bush is the biggest load of shit I've heard!!! The fact is M&M DOESNT sing he talks. Because he cant sing! The little wigger couldn't hold a tune if it had handles!! If you gonna push rap on people at least pick an artist that writes their own shit & has some talent! Not the record company's answer to selling rap to white kids. :ill: :yuk:
Yeah I thought so thats the only reason why I keep coming back

My wife says to me a moment ago
"Hey you know you can download 10.000 songs on an Ipod, You can put your whole record collection in it,"
and then I mention to her
"Yeah but I dont want one, see you know how people run up and steal a womans purse. They see you have an I ipod and run up and snatch it and then you have lost your record collection all over again, and I would have to kill him, and the idea of prison sex does not sound cool...so I dont want one

she then tells me ( more like asking really)
You know your insane right?". My reply "Yeah but only anyone who has been comitted
notices it" :Smokedev: :devil:
strik 9 You're not the only one who has diverse musical taste. Name anyone else who like Eminem and Anthrax. No one, i listen to different shit but not jazz, and blues.
strik 9 You're not the only one who has diverse musical taste. Name anyone else who like Eminem and Anthrax. No one, i listen to different shit but not jazz, and blues.

My wee cousin does i took her to see anthrax at the barras in may and the garage but then again she likes mcfly as well
Anthrax_Mosher said:
strik 9 You're not the only one who has diverse musical taste. Name anyone else who like Eminem and Anthrax. No one, i listen to different shit but not jazz, and blues.

I listen to allot of different shit also, Not just metal, I happen to like the 30's & 40's Big Band sound Glen Miller is the shit IMO, I also like classical music Mozart & Bach mainly, I love the late 60's thru the late 70's Rock-n-Roll. I find the Beatles to be inspiring & i actually don't mind some older Country songs. (My dads music as i grew up) I also like the Blues. Its just rap music doesn't sit well with me, Its always about sex, money, cars, & sex. I know you bud eminem doesn't sing about sex allot(My brother likes him also, that's how i know) but the majority of rap acts do. I have a 9 year old daughter & i feel i have to monitor what she listens to because of all the sexual innuendo's in these rap & r&b artists song. Her favorite is usher. :ill: But I've got her listening to Mudvayne cuz she saw the video for "happy?" and she thinks the singer is cute. At least with Mudvayne i don't have to worry about her hearing innuendo's about anal sex & blow jobs. Also thats good that you like Anthrax & eminem it shows your diverse, but dont get mad at people bashing him when you posted this thread & wanted to know what people thought about him. :Spin:

Check out my edit of Stan. The editing of this song is so ridiculous now that it's hard to tell what's going on.

Stan Rated G:
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