Emmure - My Name Is Thanos ( full cover ) Look

Jul 31, 2010
I just wanted to do with for fun and have a emmure style mix that i did to put up on my studio page, But i was not expecting to get a bass tone this good so fast.

The mix is not fully done, but please share your input on because i might not be catching mistakes.

Also I'm not really trying to mix it like joeys or anything, i do not want to knock off his work so i want to give it kinda my own style (even tho its nothing amazing) but hey its still how i mix.

Guitars - pod farm

Bass - Sansamp

(bass and drums)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Em... clip to post on UM BASS AND DRUMS) FSP's.mp3

(full mix)

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13978357/Em...- mix 2 ( small clip to post on UM) FSP's.mp3
I listened to this earlier and i have to say it's great! I'm sure you'll get customers with this.

Although including vocals might be a good idea.
I listened to this earlier and i have to say it's great! I'm sure you'll get customers with this.

Although including vocals might be a good idea.

haha thanks dude! :D

and yeah vocals would be cool, but it just wouldn't be the same with a different vocalist, so i rather just not have any, to be honest i hatttte emmures vocals so i kinda like that this one has non in it :lol:
I gotta ask, how the hell did you get that bass/guitar tone?

Here i answered this on rate and mix let me do a little copy and paste magic :P haha

Well like i said before

Guitars - Pod farm

Bass Chain is 3 tracks.

Track 1 Sansamp reamp 1(This is for the body)
Then EQ and compression(nothing fancy)

Track 2 Copy and paste that first reamp.
Then added a sansamp sim in pod farm over top that.
Then i ran a 500hz Highpass to get all the lows out.

track 3 is a TS808 reamp
only thing on there is a 500hz Highpass to remove the lows.

Then your just going to blend them all together.
Do not be afraid to add to much grit, because i think there is no such thing! hahaha ;) love the grinding sound on my bass tracks.


Kick is slate 10
(with a kick blended with that i can not say)
Just find you something clicky to blend under it.
some people say my kick is to clicky but thats how i like it, in this mix i darkened it up a lot more than normal.

Snare is

Slate 11
Slate A1
Slate 5z4
ludwig black B sample
And a orange county snare.

Those i have blended together working as one, with key freq from each snare so its all balanced out. (Im not super big on my snare tone, but its whatever it works its not to hard on the ears)

Toms and cymbals are all from the Emmure packs, (Who would have guessed) haha :P

Also i use no verb on my drums, just room samples so keep that in mind, i do not like the sound of VTS verbs on drums, makes it seem more fake than it really is.

Not saying my mix's are the most natural thing ever... because they are far from it lol.

I have been changing up my sound and mixing style a lot lately and its starting to get to where i want it. Just like everyone else here its a learning process and ill never be fully happy with any mix i do but it keeps me trying to do better and better.
but I'm glade you guys like the mix man! :kickass:

also anyone else that would like to share advice go for it, i love to hear people thoughts, sometimes it helps me out a lot! :)
guitars are a tad boxy and harsh and there is a tiny phase issue in the breakdown.
not a fan of the snare, too much room in comparison to the rest of the drums
kick and bass are really metallic sounding (like Brian Hood's stuff), if you dig it then no worries :)

overall it sounds great just giving criticism on the things I noticed
guitars are a tad boxy and harsh and there is a tiny phase issue in the breakdown.
not a fan of the snare, too much room in comparison to the rest of the drums
kick and bass are really metallic sounding (like Brian Hood's stuff), if you dig it then no worries :)

overall it sounds great just giving criticism on the things I noticed

Yeah i mean its a lot different than how emmure's album is, but i wasn't going for a joey style mix what so ever that's just not really my cup of tea.

But yeah kick wise and bass tone wise, is 100% how i want it.

Snare to me is just so so but i kinda like it.
I just like a snare that has a lot of crack and cuts through the mix really loud.
So that's why i do not run lets say 11 or 12 by there self.
just my my style really.

As for phase i really do not know what you could be hearing?
its something im not hearing at all right now at this moment.

Also with the guitars i can agree with you one that.
i cant remember if i said this or not but this is not my final mix.
But the main think mix wise im going to change up is the guitar tone a lil, its something i have not even touched on this mix other than just putting my standard pod patch on.

So i hope when its all final you will dig the guitars more :)
couple weeks, just have to get free time to finish it.

But thanks dude im glade you like it overall.
Hoping when its all fully done you will like everything!!!