emmure speaker of the dead kick samples

i've got ssl platinum and i've tried all kicks.. nothing

If Joey is in fact using Slate for the kick, I highly doubt he just loads up one kick and that's it. I would bet more than one is being used along with tons of post-processing after the fact to get the sound on the record - again, if he is even using Slate on the kick. He may very well be using samples he made himself of the drummer's kick, or a sample he made before the Emmure project... he has his own forum here on ultimatemetal.com, you can go ask there for more detailed answers.
joey has said in the past that he samples the bands kit, processes the samples, records the performance, and sample replaces 100% with the ones he's made.

there might be some slate in there, but i doubt any of them will get you where you want.

This kick sound screams slate, regardless if it actually is or not. Try blending samples or making your own! Have some fun with it :)
There's no way in hell that is just Kick 10. The attack is there but its different and its a little more.... I guess splatty would be the word.
joey has said in the past that he samples the bands kit, processes the samples, records the performance, and sample replaces 100% with the ones he's made.

that's def not the case for this cd

Edit: Actually to add to what you have said, Joey has only done that ONE TIME. and that was for the newest WCAR single and cover. Everything else has blends of other samples. What you're referring to is when he said he takes Cymbal samples and blends them in on weak hits and what not.
That's what I'm saying dude, BS to the statement made by Joey. Because 98% of his stuff that people post here when a new song is out sounds like slate, at least the kick and snare. He also said once that the room sounds on Slate were not very good but I also hear those very clearly in his mixes.

Had a listen to emmure, sounds like kick10 blended with something else to be honest, it has the same attack
you've got to listen it with a good headphones like akg's like i've done... there's a little point in the song ''4 poison 3 words'' you can hear the single sample of the kick... i've confronted it with a single kick 10 and all other kicks in s slate platinum and i'm pretty sure that is not the single kick 10!!!!
you've got to listen it with a good headphones like akg's like i've done... there's a little point in the song ''4 poison 3 words'' you can hear the single sample of the kick... i've confronted it with a single kick 10 and all other kicks in s slate platinum and i'm pretty sure that is not the single kick 10!!!!

Stop being a noob. Every pro usually blends a couple of samples together to make a franken-kick or whatever. I think the kick sounds like Kick 10 perhaps blended with a few other kicks, and it is for sure eq:d.