Emmure - Speaker of the Dead

God, I have been trying to tell people that ask me for settings this for so long but couldnt find the proper words

+1 and a shit ton more


it's just so true. it's hard to accept, I guess, when you are starting out or whatever and you want to just take shortcuts. but I don't even think getting people's settings is a shortcut at that level. It's a handicap.

I'll use Joey's kick as an example cause that's what people were talking about in this thread:

If Joey gave me all his kick settings a few years ago(we'll pretend they were the same back then), I don't think I would have learned much from it. I would have put it on my kicks, probably all of my kicks in every project, ever, and left it at that.

but now, I have actually spent hours with kick samples playing in a loop (I wasn't kidding lol) just messing around with plugins. the order of the plugins. plugins that i normally wouldn't even think of using. etc etc, just trying to match the impact of the kick in "big name" mixes

If Joey gave me his kick settings today, I would look through them, and be like "oh! I see why he did this." etc etc. It would be far more educational, and interesting.

I don't know why I'm ranting about this lol I should start a blog
Again, another big +1, I actually get settings from people all the time to see why they are doing things a certain way and then I tweak what I would change and send it back with my reasonings to why I changed it and then we discuss and it actually helps a tremendous amount to get others input on their views mixed with yours. Very eye opening.
settings were definitely my biggest handicap at my beginnings.
it just becomes a crutch.
I prefer Joey's vague advice. he usually gives out info without completely spilling the beans.
I always learn more when I have to put in my own work after some small grain of advice is given.

in all & all.
the best in the game are the best because of experience. presets are someone else's experience. not your own.
I had a question Joey, or anyone else who might know...It's been asked before but I never saw an answer. What is the reverse whoosh sounding noise in the beginning of Children of Cybertron? It sounds like reverse drum hits, but I really can't tell. : /
