Empty Your Clipboard


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
- WHAT WAS THE FUSS ABOUT YOUR GRAMMY NOMINATION IN 1999 ABOUT? WERE YOU NOMINATED FOR THE WRONG ALBUM, OR WHAT? The lowbrow Swedish tabloid press tried to make a "scandal" out of what essentially was a writing error. The person responsible for making the nominees public stated "The gallery" instead of "Projector" as our album of nomination. This caused two-page articles in the biggest Swedish newspapers about the incompetence of the jury and their degrading behavior towards a poor metal band. In traditional entertainment fashion, our words were turned and twisted and taken out of context, making us appear as a bunch of whining idiots, but at the end of the day it meant lots of free publicity for us. It later emerged that the jury in some of the other categories _had_ been screwing things up, but this was unrelated to us.
Due to a major communication fuckup between our record label and our swedish distributor, the production office responsible for the compiling the Grammy presentation hadn't been given ANY material at all. No music, no video, no photos. A day prior to the deadline, they realized that they weren't getting anything in time, so in an attempt to solve the situation they visited our official homepage in order to download a band photo, just to have something to show. This was during X-mas time, where a retouched photo with the band members in santa claus-clothing and huge white beards was proudly displayed on the index page. The production people, obviously unfamiliar with the band, didn't get the joke and used that photo for the presentation broadcast which was shown on national TV and viewed by at least a million people. In the tabloid coverage of the "faulty" nomination, some journalists hinted that this was also some jury error, but that was of course unfounded.
Damn The Machine

^^^ that's from when i filled in the Now Playing field in the last thread i replied haha

this thread is a great idea! i can't imagine the stupidities we'll see here :-D
"8:45 am
New guy's PC finishes booting up. Tell him I'll create new ID for him. Set minimum password length to 64. Go grab smoke. "