Empty Your Clipboard

Who They Hate: South Carolinian "state's rights activists" somehow affixed a 10-foot tall freestanding burning cross to the front window of Al Sharpton's bus. Lieberman is not well liked in South Carolina either and found a number of his rallies attended by uniformed members of the National Socialist party.
The Grand Wazoo said:


Koekje! :)
:err: what subliminal message is this! *suspicious*

This message was posted anonymously:

For Dimmie:

Son, don't you realize that your quasi-homosexual
fascination with Tubby is unhealthy?
InFlames88: it's obvious you've never been a guy
LacedWithTragedy: we already know that ;)
InFlames88: we do?!?!?!
InFlames88: oh, right ;)
InFlames88: suuuuuuuure it is...
LacedWithTragedy: well...
LacedWithTragedy: ah nevermind
LacedWithTragedy: O:-)
InFlames88: the background check made it obvious :)
LacedWithTragedy: thats what you think
InFlames88: and the stolen medical records
InFlames88: and the penis in a jar labeled with your name and an operation date
LacedWithTragedy: DAMNIT
LacedWithTragedy: i tried so well to hide that damn thing!
LacedWithTragedy: oh well, now u know my secret.
InFlames88: and now everyone will...
LacedWithTragedy: NOOO! NOT AGAIN!
InFlames88: again?
LacedWithTragedy: like everyone knows my undying sexual attraction to cher :(
xcheopis wrote: >Factitious wrote: >>Nea wrote: >>>xcheopis wrote: >>>>come up with something better than "Look! There's Satan!" to divert us. >>> >>>I tried, "Look, chocolate chip cookies!" Unfortunately, that only seems to work for nin_man. >> >>How about "Look, Satanic cookies!"? It has enough novelty value to distract. > >If there is chocolate, then it is not Satanic. Hmmm, what form would Satanic cookies take? Probably plain, hard cookies. Although I have heard very rich chocolate described as deliciously sinful, or similar words to that effect.

Top 18 of 18 Total Countries

1 Network
2 Unresolved/Unknown
3 US Commercial
4 Netherlands
5 Germany
6 Italy
7 United Kingdom
8 Canada
9 Non-Profit Organization
10 Finland
11 US Educational
12 Greece
13 Sweden
14 France
15 Russian Federation
16 Belgium
17 Austria
18 Israel
if you bump your head against the wall, do we find it atop the thread list?


^ That's on my clipboard at the moment. Usually it's a quote, a link, or a part of my computer program's code which i plan to use / have used repeatedly.
I am still trying to figure out how to participate in this thread... hey, I just did...
Me miraba fijamente sin pronunciar palabra. Sus ojos llorosos decían más
de lo que me hubiera podido hacer saber con palabras. Su silencio era
incomodante, pero lo más aterrador era cómo lloraba sin parecer estar
deshecha. Aquel vacío en la historia, aquel abismo inalcanzable por mí
--por el momento-- en cuyo fondo descansaba la razón de su llanto...
quemaba pensarlo. Me miraba impasivamente mientras yo moría por saber qué
la hacía derramar líquido dolor sobre sus mejillas.

Un abrazo no fue suficiente para detener el flujo de lágrimas que salía de
sus ojos, y mis palabras excesivamente optimistas para hacerla sonreír
fallaron miserablemente, se perdieron en el aire frente a su rostro
desgarrado y se desvanecieron hasta sólo formar parte de un recuerdo en mi
mente --ignoraba si dentro de la suya algo las había retenido-- que pronto
sería olvidado. Una muralla claramente visible y tan sólida cual si fuera
de piedra detenía mis esfuerzos por no verla llorar, existía
inmoviblemente sin sentir cómo dichos esfuerzos se estrellaban
repetidamentecontra ella y morían, cada muerte disminuyendo el entusiasmo
de los sucesores del esfuerzo difunto hasta que dejé de intentarlo, de
lanzar palabras al aire con la esperanza de que llegaran a sus oídos.

Y lo peor de todo no era no poder ayudarla, sino la consecuencia de esa
incapacidad: el horrible vacío de sentirme inútil, débil, ajeno a ella de
una manera dolorosamente insuperable. Ese querer saber todo lo suyo era
enfermizamente obsesivo, pero así era yo --así he sido siempre--, y no
podía evitar sentirme celoso de algún modo de su soledad, con quien
compartía lo que a mí no me decía. Me sentía como Martín frente a
Alejandra en aquella historia obsesiva y depresiva de Sábato, y era
desesperante intentar descubrir sus pensamientos y fallar una y otra vez.
Y encima de todo la sensación de estar hartándola y --tal vez peor-- la


^ That's what's on my clipboard. Yes, i wrote it all.

Actually, it's on my clipboard because i was copying it into a text file, not because i wanted to show it off to you guys.
How pointless can a thread be? Personnaly, I'd rename this one "The Thing That Should Not Be" next thing we'll see is a "how do you eat your corned beef?" thread.....
RampageSword said:
How pointless can a thread be? Personnaly, I'd rename this one "The Thing That Should Not Be" next thing we'll see is a "how do you eat your corned beef?" thread.....
Well, since everything about DT has already been discussed 5K+ times and the forum seems to be running out of old members and getting overrun by new ones with questions like "what's the best DT album?" i suppose corned beef is about the only thing left to discuss if we're not to lose old members (myself included). I'm personally getting bored with all the "what's the best DT song/album?", "DT vs Opeth" and "where can i get Niklas's works?" threads.

RampageSword said:
Beware; mardy shall have his corned beef with a bit of RampageSword salad if you go on with the typos. ;)