Enchant Booklets


New Metal Member
Apr 18, 2005
Hi Ed & Co.,

I always wanted to tell you this, but always forgot about it. I really love the booklets which come with your albums. The artwork is always fantastic, but what I really like are the lyrics and liner notes. If you take "Sinking Sand" as an example: the liner notes to this song give some important background, which make me listen to it with a completetly different feeling. I also like reading the lyrics and think it's great to be able to do that without needing a computer and the internet. ...just sitting at home in front of my stereo with Enchant cds all around me.
I'm really looking forward to the new album - it'll be released this year, right?

Greetings from Germany,


PS: ...and please come back to Aschaffenburg some day! The last two gigs have been great!

Hey thanks for the very cool post. I agree about the liner notes history and background. When the music and lryics are deep and meaningful it deserves this. A GREAT IDEA that Doug came up with. He can elaborate more on this but I thought it was a great touch, and important to people. Thomas Ewerhard is the amazing artist
that we have used for most of our releases Check him out here


As for the new one we are taking a little more time to make it something special. Our original hope was to have it out in 2005 but this might be longer.

Aschaffenburg is one of our very favorite stops so the odds of us returning there are really good, what a great venue and people. Yes the last two shows there were very memorable. Close to our hearts.
Thomas Ewerhard does hell of a job. His work on Enchant's booklets is incredible. Also check out what he did on Vanden Plas's Beyond Daylight…*A-MA-ZING !
@ topic : my fave booklet from Thomas for Enchant is definitely the Limited Edition for Blink Of An Eye.
Thanks a lot for the quick answer, Ed!

ebass said:

Hey thanks for the very cool post. I agree about the liner notes history and background. When the music and lryics are deep and meaningful it deserves this. A GREAT IDEA that Doug came up with. He can elaborate more on this but I thought it was a great touch, and important to people.

It is - before I read the liner notes on "sinking sand" it was "just" a damn good rock song, but now - knowing its background - it really touches me.

ebass said:
Thomas Ewerhard is the amazing artist
that we have used for most of our releases Check him out here


Thanks for the link, I'll have a look!

ebass said:
As for the new one we are taking a little more time to make it something special. Our original hope was to have it out in 2005 but this might be longer.

Well - take your time. It will be hard to wait longer, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. So far all Enchant releases have been special!

ebass said:
Aschaffenburg is one of our very favorite stops so the odds of us returning there are really good, what a great venue and people. Yes the last two shows there were very memorable. Close to our hearts.

That would be so great! I'll be there! See you at the Colos-Saal! :-)
Yeah, the booklets are quite beautiful. My favourite is Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10.
Liner Notes are a very good idea, with more background the music and lyrics have a bigger effect on me!
the booklets in the special-editions, released before the tour, are very informative. thank you guys for that, and also for sharing the demo-recordings and bonus-tracks! :rock:

i have a question, though, about the regular and limited edition of "blink of an eye": should it have a booklet with lyrics?

Got me on that one Patricia, I don,t have one in front of me but I want to say it did? I think they all do actually? Pretty funny I can, not remember hah? I just remember that one had Prognosis and one did not? A Fire and Water version.
I have the digipack version of "Blink Of An Eye". It has "Prognosis" as a bonus track and yes: there are the lyrics inside.
i almost forgot to check out the "blink" version i have. it's without prognosis and the booklet inside isn't a "booklet", but more like a four-page flyer without lyrics. :err: the disc has "fire" on it.
so, is it only the special edition that has a full booklet with lyrics etc.? if so, then i gots ta get me the special edition! :grin: