Enchant Headlines the Bay Area with Redemption, Zero Hour and Timeline

That was a freaking incredible show last night!!! Enchant was simply awesome, Redemption tore it up, Zero Hour was on fire! Timeline got it all started off with a killer set...You all rule!!!

Thank you to everyone to come out and supported the scene, we couldn't do it with out you. To all the people that made the trip out of state, you rock!!!!!Seriously awesome to have that kind of support and I am so glad you got a kick ass show!!

Thanks to Mark for stepping up and taking care of things and thank you to everyone else who helped out as well!!!! We will do it all again in May, on a little bit bigger scale :rock: , Ciao!!!!

What an incredible time for all of us who were able to take part in this event. It was an absolute pleasure hanging out with and playing along side the amazing collaborative talents of Zero Hour, Redemption and Enchant.
All you guys rocked!
I'm really looking forward to another even more successful event in May.
I was totally blown away with the way things came off. This had to be the most pro show we've ever been involved with thanks to David, Bear, and the crew, and it was an honor to work with Zero Hour, Redemption, and Enchant. A special thanks to THE CROWD ! You Rock !
Waiting for May...
First off I would like to Thank David and Bear for throwin this shindig but for
also giving me the chance to show my stuff. I really appreciate all the kind
words and was more than happy to help out.

Second, I would like to give BIG PROPS to ALL the bands...You were all awesome and you all made the experience that much more fun for me..It was
work, and I am TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP but well worth it. I really hope that you all had a more enjoyable time and were able to relax and enjoy your time on stage...I enjoyed meeting all of you and am looking forward to seeing
many of you in May....

Last but not least to all the people that showed up and ROCKED OUT...I am looking forward to the shows in May...

This was a great experience for me and everyone was so cool that It made me feel that much more welcome and appreciated...