Enchant plays fusion at Redhouse

Kristen I am the bass instructor at Redhouse. And this is one of our favorite tunes to warm up with or just go off at rehearsals etc. So it seemed like a really good advanced song to play for the members and students. I am sure we will play it again sometime soon..............................

Redhouse is like s super Gym club for musicians and a great place for folks wanting to learn an instrument, the instructors and jam hosts are amazing. I hosat a few of the jams and teacha ll things bass and now some guitar as well. We might even do a low key show sometime if things work out timing wise. The stage is a little small and the room is probably 150 capacity, but does have simalcast and pro tools recording capabilities, so we shall see.

Good stuff coming soon.

Thanks for letting me put you in the awkward position of trying to get my camera phone to work last night getting that shot of you and my boy Ben and for being an ogling admirer. I apologize if you got any razzing for that.

What a cool place The Red House is. I'd love to have something like that nearby where we live. As I mentioned to you last night it was just so excellent seeing you guys all on the same stage (minus Ted) with instruments in your hands, albeit in such a casual setting. My boy was in awe. He is already an Enchant fan so I think I've spoiled him now. He thinks I'll get to introduce him to all of my favorite bands.

Thanks for allowing us to be wallflowers and for being accessible. You guys are immensely gracious. I just wish we could have stuck it out later. School night for the kid though ........ errrr.

Also, give my thanks to Barbara next time you see her (dunno if she posts here) for snapping a digital shot for us.
