End of the Heathen Crusade Metalfest


Aug 29, 2002
In Space
Hello Everyone,

Myself and Kris have to announce the ending of the Heathen Crusade festival. We can no longer run this fest right now. This economy has hurt everyone and we can not afford to keep this afloat. We would like to thank all of the bands who have performed at all of the Heathen Crusade fests and all of the fans who have attended this event and last but not least Steve from Station-4 and everyone who has helped us out. We would have love to keep this event moving. But, you never know. Any questions please ask.

Kris and John
Sorry to hear that man...
Seemed like a killer festival, which I had hoped to one day attend.

You guys were certainly trailblazers, esp in the US, for viking / pagan / folk, etc.

Many of the bands who are or soon will be a house hold name started at your fest.

Good luck to you. You certainly have my respect...
I'm sorry to hear that it's ended too, as it was a great fest that many of us looked forward to. However, I know that when the time is right and the resources are available, you guys might pick up the mantle again and that'll be very cool. Best of luck to you guys.
Wow. I completely understand the reason, but the fest will be missed. This was one I was hoping we return to to perform at one day, as our experience with the fest was very positive. Hopefully when things return to normal, we'll see you do another festival of some sort! Good luck to you!
Too bad.. I was lucky to make the trip to the first HC and it was amazing all around. Kris and John, you guys did a great job with that fest...
By the way.. what ever happened to the footage from the first fest? I see a Tyrfing vid on youtube for like one song and that was it.. Hmph!