Enemies of Reality on a 6 string - vid from practice last nite


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Here's a video of me and my drummer Ramon jamming on Enemies of Reality last night at practice. He set the cam up so you can only see him, but you can definitely hear me playing.

This is Enemies of Reality on a 6 string.... and remember .... I am no Jeff Loomis
You can see Ramon laugh at me try to play that motherfucking retarded diminished solo.... agghh! o_O

Enemies of Reality
Thats sounds good man. Yeah, no Loomis, but then, Loomis is jesus-guitar man. Sounds like you will have that solo soon though, keep practicing.
Nope, all single strokes.

Here's his response taken from another forum these were posted at

"They are single strokes on the feet. I don't do any double stroke double bass patterns. The compression probably removes a few frames here and there and I don't move the legs much at all either. It's coming from the ankles and hip flexor muscles."
he's pretty good, i'd like to see him let loose and do some really crazy shit.
then again my drummer can probably play those songs easily, since i showed him the songs at one point as 'wow look at the double bass speed and shit' and he just nails it in one try. he's learning some double stroke shit. now thats hard. then again single stroking at double stroke speed is impressive. there's this drummer at my school that does double bass patterns on a single pedal. so yeah...

oh yeah: triggers = bad