"Enemies of Reality" to be Remastered

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
When I told Van that I love the new CD, he informed me that it was going to be remastered before it was released. Apparently, they were unhappy with it's final sound. This was later confirmed by a Century Media rep. Just thought I'd pass this along.

thank you for spreading the word. an info about the improval of the sound (especially this specific one) is always welcome...

Nevermore are the best band ever. They can do no wrong. When I heard the mp3 or enemies of reality that was hte only thing that didn't mesh with me... the production... even considering it was only a 128kps mp3 I still wasn't a big fan... but alas they have corrected their one error. I can't wait for this album, it's gonna rock my little world. I'm avoiding any sings of it popping up on the Internet because I don't want to ruin the exciting anticipation of this new album. I wish Warrel Dane was my dad.
yeah,think of all the siblings.... he's probably the biggest pimp, I bet he has kids scattered across the world

......that sexXx machine, haha
I have a copy of the album already (As If I was the first...yeah right !) but will of course buy the final one when it's released in July. I have all the other albums (Including the In Memory EP) legally and will not stop buying Nevermore albums because of the ability to download the album before releasedate or sumthin.

What I needed to say about EOR is that I kinda like the "demo-feel" I get from this one. I would prefer this before a remastered one wich in my opinion will make the album "overproduced". But then again......Maybe that's just me.

No matter what, I'll buy it when it's released......

Now after that, all we need to get is Nevermore to play some shows over here in Sweden !!!
Please Remaster it because the production so far is shit! i mean i listened to it three times already and i am wondering why the production isn't as good as last time. The production is all buried and muddy! Where is the power and distortion? It almost sounds like a lo fi recording! I was thinking maybe they decided to put out a clunker because it's the last cd for Century Media and it's also only 40 minutes long!
Just i had wished for more for the new cd and i can't stand the production. I hope they fix it before it comes out and i will still buy it but i really don't think it's that good!
i have 7 songs already...
very tasty like chicken nuggets, and a creme donut.
If this is true that is great news! I love the new album but the production IMO is very poor quality especially compared to DHIDW and DNB. I am buying the new CD on the first day regardless but this gives me something more to look forward too. I would rather they release EOR late than release a subpar version of it. Nevermore music deserves to be heard at it's best especially in this day and age of technology there is really no excuse for a poor production. Thanks for the good news..............Peace!
Theres a cool interview with Warrel in this months BW&BK, I think he mentions something about not going crazy with protools and over production ect. I would worry about it. I downloaded DHIDW before the cd was released because of anticipation, but I also bought the cd once it was released, not supporting Nevermore or any other Metal band is just wrong. \m/ \m/