Enemy Of God Question (Andy?)


Jul 27, 2005
Hi there

Let me start by saying that this record kicks major a$$. Especially the guitar sounds *INCREDIBLE*, actually the way the rhythm guitar sounds e.g. at the beginning of "suicide terrorist" made me pick up a 5150 in the first place :)

as far as i know, this record was recorded using an emg81 loaded guitar->maxon tube screamer -> 5150 I signature head -> some type of cab i can't recall right now
atm i'm also using emg81 loaded guitar through an ibanez tube screamer into a 5150 I head (block letter though).
basically....i wonder if andy could be so kind and get more into the details, especially regarding settings (don't have to be exact, just the ballpark ;) )...come on, we know you did it before (dead heart in a dead world ! ) :worship:

well...right now i'm using something like this: tube screamer level 12 o'clock, drive 9 o'clock, tone 10 o'clock, high input on the 5150, rhythm channel with crunch and bright engaged, gain at 1:00, lead channel gain at 11:00, bass 2:00, mids also 2:00, treble 11:00, both post gains around 9:30, resonance 2:00, presence 12:30
is this close? ;) it sounds about right, but there's still somehting missing i can't quite figure out, particulary the way the highs sound. might as well be andy's magic hands and mille's metal hands :rock:
it's interesting that i can't quite figure out whether the lead or rhythm channel was used. even with the bright engaged the rhythm channel seems to have more bass and less highs. actually i think i prefer it over the lead channel for metal rhythm work (after all even the rhythm channel has more gain when cranked than most lead channels...at around 2:00 it already outgains my jcm800 2210)

and of course, this isn't just for our guru, but for anyone :wave: please chime in, i really wonder how close it's possible to get without all the studio magic (and without being mille :D )
I'm no expert, but I don't think that just getting the same equipment will get you the sound. There are thousands of aspects regarding the sound of a guitar on an album. First, there might be more than just a 5150 in the mix (maby other heads). The some tipe of cab you can't recall has tons to do with it too. Also, the way the whole thing was recorded is crucial: mic placement, mic model, mic pre... Then add a whole band and the subsequent eqing and compressing. Just go for a sound that siuts you, man.
I think the same chain PUP to Mic Preamp will only get you so far... but a good start. There's a certain low end growl that gets dialed in by the mixer and further polished during Mastering. I find this really difficult to get my hands around.

Here's two clips that kind of show this. Mix 1 is basically a quick post tracking mix. Mix 10 is a after some EQ and compression. Matching the low end (growl) on commercial productions is sure hard to come by.

Look for Mix 1 and Mix 10