Engl amp similar to dual rect?


Long story short: a band I work with have gotten an endorsement deal with Engl. I own a Fireball but rarely use it anymore, and for this band it will be way too fizzy to use live. On their latest album I used a Mesa Tremoverb and I'd prefer to use something Rectifier-esque for their upcoming live shows as well. So what would you guys recommend in the Engl product line?
Try and get one of the Steve Morse signatures - that's one fine amp (oh wait, that's right, your not getting it for me.) :(
Hmm, this might be difficult, just as I suspected. What about the Invader, anyone have any experience with that?

Personally I'd have preferred if they had gotten a deal with some other company, I even recommended them to get in touch with Laboga. But the deal was set up by their management. We used the Engl Fireball two albums ago and I really don't want to go back to that sound at all.
Well, I am a big fan of ENGLs... but really, I don't think you can even come close to emulate a Recto with any ENGL. They are the last thing I would buy to try that, IMO those are like polar opposites. I'd define Rectos as raw, low mid roaring, dynamic wall-of-sound machines with sag, while ENGLs are tighter, higher mid focused and way more compressed (though in different magnitudes between the models).

Well, the Fireball 100 is supposed to be more low mid centered than the old version which I suppose you own. But even if it's possible to get it close in EQ, it will feel much different.

The Savage is probably the most "raw" of the bunch, but still... just check out this vid:
i second the last 2 posts.
i have the fireball 100, and it is indeed the most low mid centered out of the buch. if you play with the treble/presence controls and carefully dial in the mids you can maybe get a sorta rectifierish vibe, but it'll still be way fucking different as the FB is the tightest amp i've ever played, wheras rectos NEED a ts in front and still aren't as tight and clinical as the engl.
the exact reason why a rectifier is next up in my list of guitar related purchases hehe.
FWIW, I tried out the Engl Fireball in a shop a while back, and I didn't like the distortion. Loved the clean sound, but the distortion was far too clinical, as Fragle says, and I wasn't into it. I don't really play fast technical guitar, I play slow soundscapey guitar, and the Engl left too many holes in the tone for my liking.

Are their management insisting on the ENGL connection??
Well, I am a big fan of ENGLs... but really, I don't think you can even come close to emulate a Recto with any ENGL. They are the last thing I would buy to try that, IMO those are like polar opposites. I'd define Rectos as raw, low mid roaring, dynamic wall-of-sound machines with sag, while ENGLs are tighter, higher mid focused and way more compressed (though in different magnitudes between the models).

Well, the Fireball 100 is supposed to be more low mid centered than the old version which I suppose you own. But even if it's possible to get it close in EQ, it will feel much different.

The Savage is probably the most "raw" of the bunch, but still... just check out this vid:

Thanks for the info. I checked the clip and it definitely sounds nice. How much processing is going on though? I've gotten good results with the Fireball, no doubt, but I always had to process it pretty much and I always had problems with the high-mid fizz. Since this is only for live use, I will of course not be able to process the tone very much.
Also, the band in question tune in E; for downtuned stuff Engl seems to be good but it gets a bit nasal and shrill with regular tuning. But I'll have to check the Savage and see if it does the trick. I'm skeptic though...

You want a Recto... get a Recto. It's the only thing that does that sound.

Please re-read my posts to see what it's all about. Or maybe I should contact the band's management and ask them to exchange the Engl endorsement deal for a Mesa one? ;)

EDIT: "Are their management insisting on the ENGL connection??"

I think it's pretty much a done deal. Maybe they have something going on for all their artists, I have no idea. I was unfortunately not in the loop about it and I doubt the band had anything to do with it either.
Are their management insisting on the ENGL connection??

Or maybe I should contact the band's management and ask them to exchange the Engl endorsement deal for a Mesa one?

Not a silly idea at all actually. Band wants Mesa presumably, or you wouldn't be here asking these questions. Pen-pushers need to listen.