engl blackmore + 5150 clip


Oct 17, 2006
Hi guys, first post over here.

I posted this clip at HCAF, would like to get your feedback.

here's a little sample stuff around i've been playing with.
this is what i got the first time i threw these 2 amps together.

think i might have a bit too much top end in the 5150 and maybe a little too much gain.

either way i'd love to know your thoughts.

2nd half of the clip is a scratchup that i threw down very quickly. all leads in both clips are done with the blackmore


any feedback.. suggestions would be awesome

cheers :)
Wow that sounds fucking killer! Reminds me a little bit of Disturbed, in a good way. Awesome tone, and the drums sound badass! What did you use for drums? Real kit? Battery? DFHS? BFD? EZDrummer? Drumagog? SoundFonts? :danceboy:
Jackal_Strain said:
Damn, I want a Blackmore. I remember it had one of the best clean channels I've ever heard on a highgain amp.

yep, clean's awesome!
here's a recording i did with the blacky using the clean (and dist) channel with a strat:
http://lsd-tonstudio.de/sounds/heyboy - Pre listening 2.mp3

(beware, non-metal!! not my band and not my favorite style, but a job that had to be done!, worst cab ever recorded by the way...was an ashdown 3/4 size...)

welcome and great recording, saxamofone, what an entrance! ;)
thats an awesome sound
it has, atmosphere, i cant think of how else to describe it, sounds huge without relying on gain or something, especially when theres a slow lead over it, like the one starting at 1:13, really nice, the mix is close to perfection to my ears, has an epic quality!
wow, :)

i've heard this stuff so many times i'm kinda numb to it. thanks so much for your input fellas, really appreciate it.

as for the drum questions.
it's all real kit. the only part that's been sound replaced is the kick, everything else is real recording, real kit

the tune and tone i'm numb to

i like the cut of ya jib :kickass:

i've got about 7 tracks of this kind of stuff i'm doing.
will post some more as it gets done
settings: -

Lead channel
Hi Gain input
pre gain 5
low 6
mid 6
high 8
post gain 4
resonance 6
pres 3

Ch 4
lead 4
bass 4
mid 6
treb 5
presence 3
lead vol 5
masters 4
DSS3 said:
Very, very nice! Mic/cab?


engl 4x12 cab loaded with V30's

mic, 57 straight at the cone. 609 on the 45 angle.
u know... clayman style as it's refered to around here :)
DSS3 said:
Goddamnit - that's it... I'm getting an e609. I have yet to hear something done with the 57 and e609 in Fredman style mic positioning that hasn't owned complete ass.

do it! :headbang:
poidaobi said:
What recording Interface did you use?


i don't really know actually :(
i know the 609 was sent to an avalon mic pre
57 was sent to a desk.. don't know what it was