How's my 5150 tone? Clip inside...

Sounds good to me, besides that nasty high end fizzle. What were your settings, how loud did you have it, and what micpreamp/soundcard did you use?

Also, I urge you to try that thing recorded with some good settings, a Tubescreamer, and without that SM.
5150 settings...

Lead Channel, High Gain Input
Gain - 6
Low - 5.5
Mid - 6
High - 6
Volume - 1.5
Resonance - 3
Presence - 6.5

BBE settings...

Lo Contour - 6
Process - 1

I used the stock soundcard on my computer and an M-Audio DMP3 mic preamp.
I think it sounds pretty good. I compared it to some album production guitar tones using Freefilter. It tells me that you need a deep cut around 5800-5900Hz. This would be
DSS3 said:
that nasty high end fizzle
Also, the bass frequencies @ ca. 130Hz are a little too strong. Other than that, it's good. I don't know if it sounds anything like Arch Enemy, though -- I don't listen to their stuff :p
It would be even better with the low on 6. :D inverted amp... :D
Seriously now, I think you would benefit from toning down the presence... and maybe some highs...
Tweak your settings a bit, and get a tubescreamer.

Gain - 4
Bass - 5-7
Mid - 3-5
Treble - 4-6
Res - 6-8
Pres - To taste

Set the tubescreamer up with level at noon, drive at 9 o clock, tone at 11 o clock.
it seams that the bbe produced that high end fizzle, cause now it filtered itself. definetly better without the bbe.
Hmm, you guys really like it better without the BBE? I think it sounds kinda muddy without and, and too much fizz with it. I'll have to try boosting the lead channel with the Maxon.