Peavey 5150 clip - Studio Fredman mic technique

It's not bad, I'd lower the low mid around 300-400hz or fine tune amp's settings, maybe add a slight touch of presence and use less gain. The amount of gain seems to be the main problem to my ears, the spectral is just a matter of taste I guess
cobhc - Palangio used to do nothing but bash on Kranks; here on this forum and also at the most cess-poolian all forums - HCAF.

He even went so far as to post some shit clip he did with some random ass amp, said it was a Krank, and then lied to Andy when Andy asked it was a 'Stein or a Revo. I do not appreciate that type of tomfoolery, and that is an over the top off the charts fucking wack maneuver no matter how you slice it.

History aside, and all things being equal, amd my face buried deep in Keira Knightleys snatch, I do not like this clip. Its wooly, flubby stoner rock doom ass and it sounds the piss. Sorry.
well i just don't like it when shit like this goes off, i spend a lot of time on this forum, and i've had nothing but priceless help from a lot of guys on here, it just seems a shame when people can't hold back the nastiness and post a sensible constructive comment.
~BURNY~ said:

Now that's friggin getting closer.

I knew taming those low-mids and crunching it up with EQ a bit would've done the trick. The sound is definitely there, and not nearly as bad as Ether makes it out to be...

Still, I think it would be possible to strive for a better result using amp settings/mic positioning rather than leaving it up to the C4 and EQ to save the day.
It sound like it would sound great in person, with no other instruments playing. But once it was in a mix it would either dissapear or dominate everything. I'm learned that I should turn my gain and bass to as little as I can stand, then turn it down a hair and double track. :(

Burnys version does sound pretty good though!
Moonlapse said:
Still, I think it would be possible to strive for a better result using amp settings/mic positioning rather than leaving it up to the C4 and EQ to save the day.

Exactly. I'm still gonna back Ether up and say that the original tone is not very good - unless you're doing some sort of stoner rock or something. If this was for a metal recording, a real producer wouldn't have put that sound on tape.
KeithRT99 said:
it sounds better on the in flames clip, but it has a very blanketed sound, kind muffled.

also the one with the c4 and stuff sounds much better.
Was the 5150 modified or original? Is it MK I ?
How was the setting on the amp?
I have tried my 5150 and two SM57 on my Marshal cab, bur it doesn' sound as good..
I would be very happy to get more about your setting and if you have made any mod on youre amp?

/Best regards Thomas
ThomasN said:
Was the 5150 modified or original? Is it MK I ?
How was the setting on the amp?
I have tried my 5150 and two SM57 on my Marshal cab, bur it doesn' sound as good..
I would be very happy to get more about your setting and if you have made any mod on youre amp?

/Best regards Thomas

Mine is stock, it's a block letter model. I don't remember the settings at all, this is an old clip. V30's are key if you want that Studio Fredman type sound.
Sounds good, too much gain for me and less mid definition. It doesn´t sound as a 5150 to me too more like an ENGL and I love 51´s sound for metal guitars more than any other. Now we´re testing guitar sounds for a metal core album we recorded some marshalls, soldanos, rectos and lots of cabs: vintage marshall, old jcm800, 1960, Mesa Half Back with EV´s and Recto Cab and finally V 30´s are the winners. Just a month with guitar tests and by the moment this is our choice: Gibson Flying V with EMG 81, 5150 and Mesa Recto cab. In mics we are between 57´s and akg 414´s probably wel´ll record both. We´ve tried some maximizer and some other pedals but finally we love the direct 51´s sound.

best regards from spain
Llarena said:
Sounds good, too much gain for me and less mid definition. It doesn´t sound as a 5150 to me too more like an ENGL and I love 51´s sound for metal guitars more than any other. Now we´re testing guitar sounds for a metal core album we recorded some marshalls, soldanos, rectos and lots of cabs: vintage marshall, old jcm800, 1960, Mesa Half Back with EV´s and Recto Cab and finally V 30´s are the winners. Just a month with guitar tests and by the moment this is our choice: Gibson Flying V with EMG 81, 5150 and Mesa Recto cab. In mics we are between 57´s and akg 414´s probably wel´ll record both. We´ve tried some maximizer and some other pedals but finally we love the direct 51´s sound.

best regards from spain
Y yo que nunca pude hacer esas cosas cuando grabe...saludos desde madrí :rock: