ENGL Savage 120W


New Metal Member
Sep 7, 2008
Hello all. I am new to the ultimate metal forums but I have fallen back in love with metal and would enjoy immersing myself into the scene. I am planning on purchasing new amplification — specifically the ENGL Savage is what I'm looking at. My question to you is this: Have you played it? And if so, how does it compare to other amps in the price-range? I intend to play very high voltage technical melodic death metal, and the Savage looks like a great head.

Thank you for your time :)
Quite possibly one of, if not, the, most respected amps in metal these days. Never heard a bad word about it.
Hahaha sorry it had to be me.....Its all a taste thing really, I mean you can tell its a good amp (4 channels, loads of switches and stuff). I just found it to be like a more "crunchy" kind of sound than your typical metal kind of sound. Its cool for a kind of unique sound (think Darkane - Layers of Lies). I guess a typical sound for a Savage would be Natural Born Chaos, which don't get me wrong is a good sound but for me its a little bit too loose in the low end, and also the feel of the amp wasn't quite as smooth as the other amps I have.
Hahaha sorry it had to be me.....Its all a taste thing really (...) I just found it to be like a more "crunchy" kind of sound than your typical metal kind of sound.

This "crunchy" sound is what most ENGL freaks (including me) are after IMO.

I prefer the gritty ENGL crunchy sound than the smooth/fat/polished sound of a 5150 for instance.
This "crunchy" sound is what most ENGL freaks (including me) are after IMO.

I prefer the gritty ENGL crunchy sound than the smooth/fat/polished sound of a 5150 for instance.

Yeah of course - its purely a taste thing. I guess I was expecting to be able to get other sounds too or something. Its the kind of amp that would be cool to have as it has a unique character.

For most of the bands I work with, the Mesa, Peavey and Krank get more use than I'd use the savage for I think.
Yeah of course - its purely a taste thing. I guess I was expecting to be able to get other sounds too or something. Its the kind of amp that would be cool to have as it has a unique character.

For most of the bands I work with, the Mesa, Peavey and Krank get more use than I'd use the savage for I think.

I think if you use a lot of gain, presence and don't put too much mids you can be in the 5150 "modern metal tone" territory, but then i feel the 5150/Krank kinda makes it better, so i guess people should get ENGLs for what they're good at and not to get the 5150/Krank sound:

-tight as fuck crunchy gritty articulate low gain rythm tone

-nice liquid articulate lead tone (my SE on channel 4 does that pretty well).
So . . . this "crunch" you speak of, is it suitable for extremely gnarly metal? Think Nile, Carcass, Arsis, Necrophagist, etc. And with the savage would I be able to get some smooth melodic lead out of it? I intend to play a lot of harmonized parts with another guitarist (Melodic death).
So . . . this "crunch" you speak of, is it suitable for extremely gnarly metal? Think Nile, Carcass, Arsis, Necrophagist, etc. And with the savage would I be able to get some smooth melodic lead out of it? I intend to play a lot of harmonized parts with another guitarist (Melodic death).

Yes IMO (provided you like this kind of tone again...)

BTW the tone on Carcass' "Swan song" sounds kinda ENGL-esque to me, and the Necrophagist tone is ENGL anyway.

When i use my SE i use the same rythm sound to jam along some metal/hardcore/punkrock/stoner/rock tunes, and it works well for all.
Blind Guardian's "A Twist in the Myth" and Dimmu's "In Sorte Diaboli" are to me the definitive examples of the Engl tone, and I love it on both! Anyone know what was used on Soilwork's "Chainheart Machine" by the way? Sounds somewhat Engl-ish...
Blind Guardian's "A Twist in the Myth" and Dimmu's "In Sorte Diaboli" are to me the definitive examples of the Engl tone, and I love it on both! Anyone know what was used on Soilwork's "Chainheart Machine" by the way? Sounds somewhat Engl-ish...

Chainheart Machine was produced by Fredrik Nordstrom, so its very likely it was a Savage 120 mixed with 5150.