Engl Savage and Tubescreamer


Mar 30, 2005
Anyone here uses a tubescreamer in front of a Savage? How does it works? Many people use a tubescreamer in front of the amp but my friends said me that it works well with muddy amps but a Savage doesn't need TS..
What do you think?
Thank you
I own a Savage 120 and an Ibanez TS9DX but unfortunately they don't fit together. I use the tubescreamer with a 5150 ('clean' channel, pre-gain all the way up) and get a real nice tone. But the DX just dosn't get along with the Savage. When I plug in the "third" aka "Crunch 2" channel chords sound okay but whenever I play for example palm-muted riffs (which I do a lot) I get really annoying little feedbacks with those notes, even when playing fast. Maybe its because of the typical Engl hiss/feedback problem?
Has anyone ever dealt with the same problem or can suggest some settings?
(By the way I play active pick-ups. I set the DX to the "+" mode with no drive, and just a little more level than average)
Maybe the Engl Sound just dosn't go together with Tubescreamers, I don't know...
I've found that my ENGL e530 sounds much better without a tube screamer as well. ENGL is really doing something right with their amps that nobody else is.
@SickBoy: I like the sound of the Savage but I'd love to mix in the TS character. Alas I don't know how to avoid the real quick feedback. Maybe it's because the Engl may sound "dry" because of its tight bass etc. even though there already is a lot of "camouflaged" gain... I don't know.

So there's nobody who uses the Savage with a TS?
If not please let me know your settings!
We tried to use a tubescreamer when we recorded our new album with siebenbürgen.
And the result was not good with emg pickups, but better with the passive, seymour duncans I think.

We went for some kind of Modern/Old school thrash sound.
If you're getting feedback while palm muting, I'd guess you just have too much gain. Maybe back down the TS gain, so you still get the midrange EQ bump?
if u wanna use it as a clean boost on ur dist and u dont wanna colour tone, i sudgjest the maxon od808, its very transparent and the od808 is warmer then the od9 and the od9 is also warmer then the ts9 (its the original) put the gain/drive to 0 tone to 0 and level to 10, slowly turn up the tone till u like it, dont actually put gain on from the pedal this will only make ur beautfil engl sound solid state if the amp is already super tight a cuts threw u might not need too
if u wanna use it as a clean boost on ur dist and u dont wanna colour tone,

And here you reach EPIC fail. Using the TS as a clean boost is like marrying a porn star because you want a virgin.

For fuck's sake, it clips the signal and leaves a gigantic hump centered around 700Hz for the sole fucking purpose of coloring the tone. What exactly about those boxes screams 'clean' and 'free of coloration' to you, and what does it say when you stop smoking crack?

Did referring to it as a clean boost maybe come about as you generally don't use any drive with the pedal for the specific purpose and context we're referring to it in, just basically attempting to achieve a higher output from the guitar? When people say using it as a clean boost, I interpret that to mean using it as if it were a clean boost. I personally use my OD pedal for extra drive, therefore don't refer to using it as a clean boost, just as an OD, but I am familiar with people both saying 'using (xxx pedal) as a clean boost', and simply 'using a clean boost pedal'. If the latter phrase is referring to an OD pedal, that's false. To me, to first phrase is open to interpretation.

It's not worth getting so wound up about it, dude... Most people, myself included, are here to learn (ok, not necessarily this guy), not get their asses chewed.
And here you reach EPIC fail. Using the TS as a clean boost is like marrying a porn star because you want a virgin.

For fuck's sake, it clips the signal and leaves a gigantic hump centered around 700Hz for the sole fucking purpose of coloring the tone. What exactly about those boxes screams 'clean' and 'free of coloration' to you, and what does it say when you stop smoking crack?


by clean boost its what i saw off a vid on utube, hes testing the maxon od808 and he says "these setting for a clean boost" and douse the 0 gain 10 volume thing and ya u wanna boost ur tone and make it tighter but not colour it, thats why i like the 808 cuz its transparent
And here you reach EPIC fail. Using the TS as a clean boost is like marrying a porn star because you want a virgin.

For fuck's sake, it clips the signal and leaves a gigantic hump centered around 700Hz for the sole fucking purpose of coloring the tone. What exactly about those boxes screams 'clean' and 'free of coloration' to you, and what does it say when you stop smoking crack?


i pulled a n00 bmove and opened up some old threads but u going to each of those threads and going "fail" each time is even more funny :headbang:
Fail in all of them? No, I'm just confused. At first I was curious, but you've needed some serious correction so I've gotten a little annoyed. Occasional 'noob moves' are forgivable but when you're wrong I'm going to come right out and correct you... nothing harsh or personal about it usually, it's just what happens when you say something wrong on a forum full of people who know things.

As for 'clean boost', the fact that something was said on Youtube is not grounds for it being true or accurate. 'Clean' boost, lacking 'coloration', does not describe the TS at all. Period. The 808 might not completely eradicate the original playing but that doesn't make it 'transparent' at all.
