Engl vs. Engl?

Mar 21, 2007
I've read over many threads in this forum.. many of which with samples of guitar tones.

By far my favorite guitar tones have been from Engl Amps.. SO! biting the bullet.. I've decided that my pod pro/Peavey PA power amp combo finaly has to go.

I've decided to foot the bill for an Engl but I've run across a delema..


So I've started this thread to ask WHICH engl amp is the best bang for the buck..

Fireball 60 Watt @ $1274 US

POWERBALL E645 V2 @ $1954 US

Invader/150 @ $2796 US

I'm assuming that most of the samples I've heard have been invaders..

These videos were very helpful..
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5

but is there much difference between the three.. (aside from wattage?)

Cheers! :kickass:
The are all unique...it comes down to what you are looking for in an amp...and what you plan to use it for.
no shit right? I've had a hell of a time finding a place in the US that sells them.. let alone finding a used one.

Essentially I'm looking for the all around amp.. but mostly heavy rhythm.

I'm guessing the Savage is going to be my best bet.. although my wallet begs to differ.

my band's other guitarist have a savage 120 and the other a fireball and the savage is FAR better. they don't sound alike at all... the fireball is really small and fizzy and lacking good bottom... too high gain too...

the savage on the other hand is fucking great! no fizz, just fucking über anal pounding greatness! :)
Haha, yeah, the US is definitely wanting for Engl dealers, though Musiciansfriend.com and RockSolidamps.com have got you covered as far as online goes. There are a few US in-store places that carry 'em though; the ones I know of are Make'n Music in Chicago, Guitar Asylum in Long Island (the closest to me, but I haven't yet made a pilgrimage there), and Boston Guitar Works...in Louisville (just kidding...)
this is what I can say about the engls (what I experienced so far):

-fireball : pure metal amp, nice crystal clear clean channel, ok for mid gainy stuff too (crunch sound...), 60watts is perfekt. I bet you`ll never play on a stage that large, that you`ll need these 60w.(if so..., you`ll have monitors ;-), bit fizzy gain, but imo not too fizzy, and I like the tight "metally" sound of it. + it goes for like 950€, which is a good price for this amp

-powerball : a lot of people say it`s the fireball, only with more power (100w) and more channels (and switches...). But I don`t agree. I`ve never gotten a real tight "new kind of metal" sound out of it. It`s too muddy and the "metally" sound isn`t there. yet, if you play lots of different styles, then this amp is def. great!

-invader : played this monster once! damn!! I def. know way it`s so fuckin expensive! believe me, it`s gonna blast everything away! imo it`s like the powerball, but with more balls! diversity of the powerball and sound of the fireball, only lots more balls :). and with balls I mean more bass and lower mids. (awesome amp, but who will pay 2200€ for an amp? not me...)(+ who the hell needs 150w???)

-screamer : I think it sucks.

-savage : haven`t played it, but I`ve only heard good clips of it on this forum. guessing its like the powerball in good :)

If you`re going for one of these monsters, be sure to get a mesa oversized or engl 4x12 with v30s. cus the standard engl cabs have v60s, and they suck. the mesa and engl cabs are bigger and waaaaay heavier than normal cabs, and thats why they have much more bass! for instance, if you buy the invader but have a marshall von gt75s, then you`re only hearing half of the amp :)
hope I could help out a bit
I was thinking the Savage was going to be the one.. Looked online for used ones.. Ebay is a bust (not that I trust Ebay anyways.. some douche bag broke into my paypal acount through ebay and stole $2500 from me once..)

Unfortunatley I'm currently running a Marshall 4x12 w/ 75's.. so that's a bit of bad news. Gotta start somewhere through..


Gonna comb the country for a used Savage I think.
hehe, I`m too poor to get a v30 cab too :)
(but I got the jcm800 4x12 for 180€, hehe)
I've been combing the country on CraigsList.. specifically the states within driving distance.. so far I've found a FireBall ($1000) and PowerBall ($1200).. No Savage just yet..

Found plenty of dealers that are selling them new.. mostly in Southern USA.. But I'm not willing to let go of $2300 just yet.
you should consider the e530 preamp maybe, i just got a used one in great condition for $400...haven't played with enough to comment a whole lot just yet

i've heard many great clips of the powerball and fireball in particular, they seem to record quite well...i hear nothing but good things about the invader & SE, the savage doesn't seem to be quite as popular

anyhow...if you're buying engl in the US, absolutely go with rock solid amps; hands down best customer service you'll find anywhere, derek is also very cool and knowledgable so maybe he could help you decide which would be better for you
this is what I can say about the engls (what I experienced so far):

-fireball : pure metal amp, nice crystal clear clean channel, ok for mid gainy stuff too (crunch sound...), 60watts is perfekt. I bet you`ll never play on a stage that large, that you`ll need these 60w.(if so..., you`ll have monitors ;-), bit fizzy gain, but imo not too fizzy, and I like the tight "metally" sound of it. + it goes for like 950€, which is a good price for this amp

-powerball : a lot of people say it`s the fireball, only with more power (100w) and more channels (and switches...). But I don`t agree. I`ve never gotten a real tight "new kind of metal" sound out of it. It`s too muddy and the "metally" sound isn`t there. yet, if you play lots of different styles, then this amp is def. great!

-invader : played this monster once! damn!! I def. know way it`s so fuckin expensive! believe me, it`s gonna blast everything away! imo it`s like the powerball, but with more balls! diversity of the powerball and sound of the fireball, only lots more balls :). and with balls I mean more bass and lower mids. (awesome amp, but who will pay 2200€ for an amp? not me...)(+ who the hell needs 150w???)

I pretty much agree with all of this.

I own a Fireball, but got the chance to testdrive several ENGL amps at Musikproduktiv last weekend (I was visiting my uncle who happens to live in walking distance to the shop... hooray!).

The Invader 100 was my overall fave, as it sounded the most "full and complete", with lots of balls. Quite diverse too.

The Savage had quite a different sound, less bass, more mids, absolutely perfect for leads (!!!), not as convincing for rhythm. Sounded more like a rock amp. That said, for recording the character of this amp might be just right, and we all know what they say about the gain...

I also tested the Fireball there to have the direct comparison. The Fireball was more in the direction of the Invader sound, just less bass, a bit more fizz and harsher sound. Still pretty awesome considering the price difference.

All tested through ENGL V30 cabs.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm still happy to have my Fireball, but if I won the lottery I'd get the Invader. If I had been able to spend more time there I would have tried to achieve the Savage tone with the Invader to see if it can go there too... after all, it has 4 independent channels!
Not on this forum mate:lol:

this is one of about half a dozen boards i keep an eye on...most savage owners seem to like the amp pretty well, that just seems to be the engl high gainer with the least owners i see around...the powerball seems to be the most common by far, followed by the fireball

i've not taken a poll on it or anything, just saying i don't see those amps as much
I was pretty much set on the Savage.. but I keep hearing good things about the Invader.. I may foot the extra $500 bucks, and just quench the craving.

Fortunately for my Credit Card.. I've gotten over the initial Gear Lust, and have settled into the more thrifty "lets get the money in hand before we by" mantality.

That being said.. I'm off to sell a ton of PA crap that I don't use anymore.. HA!