Engl Z11 switcher question


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
I have a Savage120 and a PodXtPro as FX Unit. Each of the devices with their own board. I want to use only 1 board for controlling them both.

I'm thinking about getting one Z11 midi switcher but I'm not sure if it is possible to do this:

I want to use only my Pod's floorboard on stage. If I connect the Midi Out from my pod to the Midi In of the Z11 and make the correct jack connections to the Savage, should I be able to change FX and Channels at the same time.

I only use Clean & Lead Ch on the Savage and 3 FX presets on my pod.

Clean Ch (Savage)+ Clean FX preset (Pod)
Lead Ch (Savage) + Rythm Preset (Pod)
Lead Ch (Savage) + Solo Preset (Pod)