Enlighten Me with METAL

Sinner Rider

Mar 5, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Hey, someone throw me some new metal, (not nu metal). Here's some shit that I've been roting my brains on: Borknagar, vintersorg, Children of Bodom, Thyrfing, Night in Gales, Dimmu, Cannibal...... etc you got the point. I'm also a HUGE Judas Priest fan, and of course a fan of real 80's heavy metal.
Please throw me some new shit, no rip off bands like Primal Fear!!

Personal info: 19, female, Minneapols, MN
Look around the various forums here, I'm sure you'll find more ideas than you can listen to in one day..hehe :)
Many thanks, after searching around I've found a few that I must hear.

But I want some new viking metal that dosen't have shitty production and some melodic riffs!!
Falkebach are excellent. The new one is a natural progression from Magni Blandenn... That is to say there's still acoustic, distorted guitars, clean vocals as well as some growls. There's more of a balance between the acoustic and distorted. It's been a while since i heard their first albumm but i would highly recommend the newest. It's quite good.
Thanks I Will But It Now I Heard You Say That! Thanks

I Love Amon Amarth!!!!!! Versus The World Is Great!!!

Some Else???? Please??? I Have Too Many Cds Yet Played Them All Out.
I Have Already Bought And Played The Shit Out Of The King Ablum.....it Fucking Awesome..

But I Haven't Heard Of Raventhrone, I'll Check It Out!!! Thanks !!!!!!