enough about male gayness, let's scandalize the other joint now

hmm...to move to Brazil or Germany...tough decision :D

well, now that I see Brazillian women like to be a little "animal" like, Germany is sounding much better...or should I say "besser" :)
38 percent of Brazilian women have threesomes involving two other women.

-- 12 percent of Brazilian ladies have had sex with animals.

Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
Brazil has prettier sights and Germany has some of the greatest metal... but are you blind or something? italian chicks will PAY YOU!! :-P

you do have a point there...to Italy then! :lol:

haha I like this quote from that page:

"-- Finally, 54 percent of Swedish women say they don't consider masturbating a stranger as "cheating.""

hey, if Clinton says that recieving a blow job from a female intern isn't cheating, then I'll believe the Swedish women!! :D
@tut: flavio? puta que pariu!!! aheuheuheuhue

i've seen lots of lesbian chicks over here in Brazil (sarakura is one of them hehe), but never one that fucked her little dog or monkey.