The "Let's guess who's the new axeman for COB" Thread

I've listened to some songs from Naildown through Spotify, and they are really not bad. Got some really good melodies. Sometimes some clean ("weird") singing, but worth to try some songs.

I think he has some good Ideas for the new COB Album
I guess he will have some influence on Alexis' writing,...... maybe.
But the music itself always came from Alexi. Especially the guitar parts.
It's been 9 years since Naildown last released an album, now they have a new one ready to record. See, what Daniel should do is scrap that album and use the best material for the next COB album. It would be wise even pay-wise. It's nice to have your own band and all, but how much is Naildown expected to sell? COB really need a new good album, cos Blooddrunk was too long ago.
So are there any live solos of Daniel I can watch? Would like to see something from him.
And how is his name pronounced?

Like the US congress pronunciation of aye, or ney? (Or like the german word "hi" or "hey")
I think it's Freyberg with y=j, and e=e as in german, imo. or yeah maybe "hi" is good as well.
So are there any live solos of Daniel I can watch? Would like to see something from him.
And how is his name pronounced?

Like the US congress pronunciation of aye, or ney? (Or like the german word "hi" or "hey")
He's Finnish so I guess the Finnish pronunciation would be correct, right? If so, just pronounce everything as it's written. Of course, that only works if you know the Finnish alphabet as in, say English, letters are pronounced differently in different situations whereas in Finnish every letter is ALWAYS pronounced the same way.

Daniel in Finnish is pronounced almost like it's pronounced in English. The English pronunciation is closer to Däniel than Daniel (Dam is pronounced Däm and Duck is pronounced Dak, so use the "a" sound from Duck), but it's pretty close. Freyberg is a Swedish name, but I'd pronounce it as Freiberg. The "e"'s are like they are in "enter" and the "y" is like yhe "i" is in "internet".
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Ok, I did a littlebit of research. At first, Daniel is swedish, not finnish. Then I've wrote the name Freyberg into two different translation progs and let them speak the name in the native language. Both progs pronounce it like Frejberri. But listen for yourself (this one sounds pretty much correct to me)

Ok, here's an interview him, where you can hear how his name is pronounced. It's Frajberry.äänessä-mikkelin-mies-maailmalle/
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Ok, I did a littlebit of research. At first, Daniel is swedish, not finnish. Then I've wrote the name Freyberg into two different translation progs and let them speak the name in the native language. Both progs pronounce it like Frejberri. But listen for yourself (this one sounds pretty much correct to me)

Ok, here's an interview him, where you can hear how his name is pronounced. It's Frajberry.ä-savo-kuha/children-of-bodomin-uusi-kitaristi-daniel-freyberg-äänessä-mikkelin-mies-maailmalle/
Are you sure he's Swedish? He was born in Sweden, but I'm pretty sure he is still Finnish. The English Wikipedia page doesn't say either, the Finnish Wikipedia page says he's Finnish. He can also speak Finnish without any accent, something that I have never heard anyone without a Finnish nationality do.
Uhm... no. All I read was that he was born in Sweden, so I guess he's swedish. But that doesn't has to mean anything I guess. Anyways, it doesn't matter which nationality he is - his name is swedish and it's pronounced swedish, so...
Btw, why does the pronunciation is so important to you?
So how do Finns pronounce Freyberg?
You should read our comments more carefully. From my comment a few posts above: Freyberg is a Swedish name, but I'd pronounce it as Freiberg. The "e"'s are like they are in "enter" and the "y" is like yhe "i" is in "internet" (And yes, I'm a Finn).
You should read our comments more carefully. From my comment a few posts above: Freyberg is a Swedish name, but I'd pronounce it as Freiberg. The "e"'s are like they are in "enter" and the "y" is like yhe "i" is in "internet" (And yes, I'm a Finn).

so you don't turn the "ei" diphtong into [ai], it would be [fre-iberg] not [fraiberg] then, and Finns don't turn the g into a y like the Swedes?
so you don't turn the "ei" diphtong into [ai], it would be [fre-iberg] not [fraiberg] then, and Finns don't turn the g into a y like the Swedes?
We Finns pronounce EVERYTHING as it's written. Extremely few exceptions. It's due to this that so many Finns have such a funny accent when speaking English. The habit to pronounce everything as it's written causes interesting situations if you ever happen to talk with someone about something like fantasy books where there are loads of odd names. Danerys Targaryen from GOT, for example, is pronounced roughly Daneerys Taagerian in the show. My pronunciation for it (Had I not seen the show before reading the books) would be a strict Daenerys Targaryen. No silent letters, no altered sounds. Everything is pronounced as it's spelled, no matter how strange the spelling. The only exceptions I can come up with are some very basic names like George etc. which are pronounced as they should be by most but even there there is variation. My grandmother, for example, when reading Harry Potter to me when I was like 6, pronounced George as George, not Goog like it should be pronounced.