Enslaved - Below the Lights

I have to admit I'm not a huge Enslaved fan, partly due to the fact that I'm not familiar with a lot of their catalogue

Leave the band right now. You turd. LEAVE.

Personally, i think The Crossing is the best song on that album.. But yeah, As Fire Swept Clean The Earth was an absolutely immense song live.

Bounded By Allegiance live as well <3
hmmm.. I still have not made my mind up about Monumension. It certainly has great variety and prog sensibilities, but I am not entirely sold on how the songs are structured. I know this is album I will have to really sit down with and take time to let it really sink in. It is not immediately catchy like their other works, and perhaps that is what has kept me from putting the time aside to give it a thorough listen. I admit to it's creativity, and perhaps given time I'll warm up to it.
Monumension is for me where Enslaved just.. Display how much they can do.. It's definitely their most varied album and it just clicked with me immediately.
Monumension people. Come on, you know you want to admit that you're all closet fans.

As I was reading through this I was waiting for someone to mention that album. I'm glad people find it enjoyable, as it is quite a unique approach to the Enslaved sound. I wouldn't perchance say that it is my favorite, but it's quite high on the list of albums I listen to by the band.