Enter Suicidal Angels logo


so, if that's the logo, what was the whole discussion for? couldn't you simply buy ESA and get your logo?


"nightmarish and dreamlike sequences, their stark and strange images"

No I could't, it is hard to find it here. I need a clear picture of it, and can't find it on the net.
I know who he is, but what does he have to do with me? I don't understand the comaprison...
No I could't, it is hard to find it here. I need a clear picture of it, and can't find it on the net.
I know who he is, but what does he have to do with me? I don't understand the comaprison...

I have no clear pictures of the logo. But, if you're interested, I can take a big one of the print on my cd.

I guess rahvin was comparing you to Lynch because you sound cryptic :)
I have no clear pictures of the logo. But, if you're interested, I can take a big one of the print on my cd.

I guess rahvin was comparing you to Lynch because you sound cryptic :)

I would be very gratefull if you wolud do that!!:kickass:
That logo is originally from The Gallery, not ESA. See here:

Here's more versions of The Gallery:

The version the tattoo is based on was on ESA where Niklas Sundin made his artwork debut. I remember looking at the art he did for the CD and thinking, "damn this guy is talented."

Thank you!
Now I can't decide what to tattoo, the dots :.:: or the ESA known as the galley logo.:cry: