Enthusiastic Metallica new album previews

I will always be exited about Metallica does. The band changed my life in the 80s and for about 10 years of my life I felt like the biggest Metallica head in the universe. Then even when Load and Reload came I was stoked, of course it could of been a bit harder and faster but I liked it. Then St. Anger killed even my positive buds... that album sucked! But thats ok, I will always follow this band, of course they have not been even close to my favorite band for 10 years or so now but thats ok, I have much respect for that band.

Now the new album to me sounds like Load/ Reload era mixed with bringing back parts and vibes from the 80s albums. And that to me sounds good. I will defiently get the album and if it rocks I will bang my head to it, simple as that.
get over yourselves haters!!
Metallica are a legendary band, they didnt make the black album commercial or any album, the people who like linkin park and think they are heavy made them commercial.
I personally cant wait for this new release, desperate men go to desperate measures, thats why they called rick rubin, and rick rubins track record with dying bands is impeccable.
this release is going to say fuck you to the people that like to rant, and, rant, and rant.
(at least i hope it will ;))

Yawn, okay.
For me the Metallica albums are like this:

Kill 'Em All - superb
Ride the Lightning - my fav
Master of Puppets - masterpiece
...And Justice for All - a little mainstream but still great
The Black Album - good, but I like only a few songs from it
Load/ReLoad - it was better if they would have released only one album with good songs from each of them
St.Anger - an useless album for me

I don't expect to another KEA/RTL/MOP/...AJFA album but I want a better album than St. Anger
I'll give this a listen.. As i kind of.. Actually do want them to win me over in a way..

But i'm still not expecting much.. which may be a good thing!
For me the Metallica albums are like this:

Kill 'Em All - superb
Ride the Lightning - my fav
Master of Puppets - masterpiece
...And Justice for All - a little mainstream but still great
The Black Album - good, but I like only a few songs from it
Load/ReLoad - it was better if they would have released only one album with good songs from each of them
St.Anger - an useless album for me

I don't expect to another KEA/RTL/MOP/...AJFA album but I want a better album than St. Anger

AJFA mainstream???????The Black album is mainstream not AJFA. How can 9 minutes song packed with tons of riffs and with dark vibe, great lyrics and thrash. Not mainstream at all. Yes one was their first video but it's still my favorite metallica song.
Yeah, to me Justice was the furthest from mainstream out of all of their albums and I absolutely love it.

Kirk is sloppy. I've always noticed that when I hear them live. I swear he's really not that good of a guitarist. He can't play his own music very accurately at all. Hell, he doesn't even attempt the difficult part at the end of the Blackened solo, they just kind of skip over that whole part.

That said, he wrote some amazing solos... I just wish he could actually play them.
Oh, also someone earlier in the thread was talking about how newer Metallica has sold more than the old. I don't know all the specifics, but I do know for a fact that the Black Album is #1 and Justice is #2.

I'm pretty sure Puppets is 3 and Lightning is 4, but I could be wrong about that.
^ Can you honestly tell me that Escape isn't a mainstream song? I love Ride the Lightning, but it is indeed quite "mainstream," when compared to their other older albums.

edit: also, the few moments I've heard from the new album sound very cool; I'm looking forward to this album.
^ Can you honestly tell me that Escape isn't a mainstream song? I love Ride the Lightning, but it is indeed quite "mainstream," when compared to their other older albums.

edit: also, the few moments I've heard from the new album sound very cool; I'm looking forward to this album.

I thought mainstream usually meant something had mainstream exposure, not that "its song structures are like those of pop music and thus should be called mainstream even though they weren't mainstream." Using it to describe things that are less "proggy" or whatever you call the stuff on AJFA (I'd tend more towards overlong and endlessly repetitive!) makes almost no sense to me tbh :p
None of their 80's albums were anywhere near mainstream. Don't you guys remember what popular music sounded like back then? If you liked Metallica in the 80's you were thought of as a psychotic or a devil worshiper or worse.