Ephel Duath anybody?


Mar 30, 2005
North Dakota
I recently just got a package of burned cds from a friend in Alabama I traded with, and Ephel Duath's The Painter's Palette was included. I had never heard them before, but I can guarantee I will be hearing them very much in the future.

Does anybody else like this band/have you heard them? They're amazing. Italian Prog-Metal, ingeniusly fusing metal with jazz fusion....literally (there are little jazz runs all over this album). They even have some trumpet thrown in the mix. The vocalist does clean singing and harsh singing also, it's astounding. If you haven't heard them before, I recommend getting it, if you are a fan of very, very progressive metal.
#1_Droogie said:
I recently just got a package of burned cds from a friend in Alabama I traded with, and Ephel Duath's The Painter's Palette was included. I had never heard them before, but I can guarantee I will be hearing them very much in the future.

Does anybody else like this band/have you heard them? They're amazing. Italian Prog-Metal, ingeniusly fusing metal with jazz fusion....literally (there are little jazz runs all over this album). They even have some trumpet thrown in the mix. The vocalist does clean singing and harsh singing also, it's astounding. If you haven't heard them before, I recommend getting it, if you are a fan of very, very progressive metal.

I have seen them live but was not that impressed. Not because of the music but because of the singer. I did not like his voice .

Besides I am not a fan of a mix between harsh and clean vocals. With me its the one or the other. I dumped Soilwork when they started doing that. The only band that really knew how to mix them up with good effect was Anacrusis.

I get the impression that these days using harsh vocals is being used as an easy way out. Some styles of metal are not suited for using harsh vocals IMHO. I guess it saves time when you don't have to look for a singer with a good clean voice.

I am not saying I don't like harsh vocals. Some of my favorite bands use them. And use them good. Like COB and Arch Enemy.
Ephel Duath are fantastic, I have been listening to them since their demo days... Their new material has not impressed me much, but they have made fantastic work in the past and I feel they will again
Hawk said:
I have seen them live but was not that impressed. Not because of the music but because of the singer. I did not like his voice .

Besides I am not a fan of a mix between harsh and clean vocals. With me its the one or the other. I dumped Soilwork when they started doing that. The only band that really knew how to mix them up with good effect was Anacrusis.

I get the impression that these days using harsh vocals is being used as an easy way out. Some styles of metal are not suited for using harsh vocals IMHO. I guess it saves time when you don't have to look for a singer with a good clean voice.

I am not saying I don't like harsh vocals. Some of my favorite bands use them. And use them good. Like COB and Arch Enemy.
Have you heard any studio recordings of them? I know it's not very credible when a band can't even remotely reproduce their sound in a live setting, but this album is fantastic in my book.

I do agree somewhat on the vocalist, though. His harsh vocals remind me a lot of metalcore bands, namely Trivium. But I can ignore them, I love the instrumental elements way too much not to.