Epic-Metal song

EtherForBreakfast said:
"There's still a lot of ground to cross
For me the knight so gay"

Since this thread is obviously meant to be humorous (Vlaczek - if you are serious, good luck with all that) this link below is probably the funniest internet thread I have ever seen. I was physically unable to stop laughing:


Look at the second pic first, then read the thread. I first spotted that beauty when it was only a 2 pager.

Yeah, that thread is really funny. Now I have headache from constantly laughing
This song is going in a map on my PC i have.. "fun" songs go in there.. like 006's "dark wanderer" song!

Now, i am not sure if Vlackzek is serious here.. but let me say the music sound wicked.. not my style, but some really good guitar riffs and solo's in there!

However.. the singer must be a joke right? that cant be real!
I would like everyone here to know that at the 2:20 mark of the song, the singer really shows us the magic!!
I'm going to start a power metal band where we don't talk about dragons, elves, hobbits, future space stuff, pirates, or how we're true metal and false metal will die.
Death Is Certain said:
I'm going to start a power metal band where we don't talk about dragons, elves, hobbits, future space stuff, pirates, or how we're true metal and false metal will die.

Actually, that's impossible. Once you start talking about other things it becomes heavy metal. Sorry. :D
Black neon bob said:
I would like everyone here to know that at the 2:20 mark of the song, the singer really shows us the magic!!
actually dude, the magic doesn't start until the fade out. . . . you'll see ;)

second of all, yea dude, sorry the vocals suck, you guys are kinda fucked cus if you kick him out, you'll wake up dead the next day. i hope he doesn't track all of us down and kick our asses for being honest, but if anything, come down to brooklyn nigga, i've been training (kung fu) since i was 10.

if you wanna take my advice then, get a new singer perhaps this guy:
he could probably eat your current singer alive. . . and he probably growls like nobody's business. i also heard he can sing the blues.

aside from that. . . the music is really good!

today is just one of those non stop laughter days. . . even on gearslutz. . .
WOW! This song was like a giant power-metal-ear-enema!!! I like the hip hop part from 1:25... there's some Dr.Dre stuff goin' on :D

EDIT: OH! Thanks for the lyrics btw! After reading them I found the answers of many questions! I'm really into the magic now!
Black neon bob said:
I want more songs!! same singer!

There are t-shirts and wristlets for true fans like you! ;)
To be honest... if there wasn't that... "vocal" and if the track was mixed properly with nice drums it would be one decent 'creation'!
And guys! Please do something about your lyrics (after kicking the vocal out) ;)