Epica w/Visions of Atlantis @ Highline Ballroom, NYC (9-9-07)


OSA Council Member
Aug 9, 2007
Long Island, New York
Man, Epica never fails to put on an awesome show. This was an amazing culmination to great week for concerts. For starters, i, like most new york area metalheads, had never been to the Highline Ballroom before. It's the sister club to BB King's, owned by the same person. It's nestled down in the meat packing district. When you get there, the smell is less than pleasant, but once you get inside, that minor quibble is easily forgotten. It's a pretty nice venue.

I actually enjoyed all of the bands. First up was Unexpect. This is an interesting, if chaotic (to borrow a very apt word that one fellow concert goer used) collection of musicians. They have 7 members, including 2 guitarists (one who also seemed to be a co-lead vocalist), a drummer, a keyboardist, a bassist who plays what appeared to be a 9 string bass, a violinist, and a female vocalist. They also get credit for their energy level. I would have to hear a studio recording to form a solid opinion about their music, but i wasn't turned off. If anything, my curiosity was piqued. Here's some pictures of these guys:


Here you can see that crazy bass guitar, and the violinist.


Ok, so i could have taken better pictures of these guys, but at least you can get the idea.

Next up was The Agonist. They were a pretty straightforward band with a female growler. Actually i thought they were pretty decent. Perhaps not overly groundbreaking, but they were enjoyable. Some pictures:



Visions of Atlantis was the next band to play. I had not heard their current album Trinity, or anything with their current vocalist, Melissa Ferlaak. The woman can definitely sing, i was impressed. She also has good stage presence (beyond the fact that she's gorgeous). A friend of mine said, after VoA's set, that Anette could learn a thing or two from Melissa (in the moves department). Anyway, i had written off VoA has pretty much too cheesy for my taste, but i may have to give the new album a shot. Don't ask about a setlist, i am not familiar enough with their songs to piece it together, and they didn't have any printed out. Anyway, here are some pictures:


Sing it, Mario!


Wolfgang rocking it.






<to be continued next message as i ran out of picture posting ability for one message>
Last but most certainly never least was of course Epica. They really tore the roof off the place. If you live in the tri-state area and you did not come to this show, you really missed out.

For me personally this was especially good because Simone put the mic right to me for a small part of Cry For The Moon. I also got the setlist signed by the band, and pictures with them as well.. except for Coen and Simone who for whatever reason didn't mingle with fans afterwards. It was a nice casual chat (heh you should see a certain pair of Epica boys do their Silence of the Lambs impression.. hilarious), in between picture taking with the band (and a bit later, Melissa from VoA also came to hang out for a bit), until security got impatient and shooed everyone out. Here's some pictures:


The setlist. This picture was taken while it was still taped to the stage heh (they would hand it to me later). Now, it's a tad bit worse for wear, and has their signatures (sans Coen and Simone, mores the pity). The encore tracks are actually on the back, very slick of them. They are: Quietus and Consign To Oblivion.


Mark, Simone, Yves


Yves, Ariën, Ad




Ad & Simone


Simone & Coen


Mark & Simone


Man her hair came out really red in this picture. Must be the lights.

My only disappointment for the entire evening was my own stupidity. On the ride home, as i was deleting some of the more blurry pictures, i accidentally deleted my video recording of Sensorium. This really pissed me off, but what can you do? I still have one more video recording, i have to check the quality first though. Either way, this small thing doesn't ruin a wonderful evening and the end of a fantastic week.
wow well i hate to be the party pooper...but I think Epica was quite boring last night at Highline. Perhaps too predictable. And really I thought Simone's vocals were out of tune for most of the night. In my opinion, I really only think her vocals sounded up to par when they started "Safeguard to Paradise".

I'm a huge Epica fan, but I really think Epica has become too comfortable with their live act. Perhaps due to the extensive touring they did for the last 2 records and live releases.

All in all I can't say they performed badly, but I dunno...there seems to be more fire to Epica on their recordings than on their live performances to me. I've only seen them once before at Progpower USA last year.

Visions of Atlantis I enjoyed very much. It sounded fresh and energetic. Both vocalists sound excellent live, and "Trinity" does not do them justice. They are far more talented than how they appear on the record.

the other bands...who cares...

Cool...thanks for sharing, Tramz. Melissa and Simone
That reminds me, been meaning to give Trinity some more listens *puts on*. I'm sad I won't be able to see that show this coming weekend :( Hey, so are we gonna see that other video you salvaged?

Holy crap, that Unexpect bassist...his bass looks like a frickin Christmas tree! :lol:
Hey, so are we gonna see that other video you salvaged?

The audio is a bit clippy in that one (i think it's Facade of Reality, i'll have to double check), but sure. I'll see about getting it up later tonight.

Holy crap, that Unexpect bassist...his bass looks like a frickin Christmas tree!

Heh yeah, screw the pole, they could use that thing to celebrate Festivus (for the rest of us!). Sorry, Seinfeld flashback :p
I was the attendee that described Unexpect as chaotic. I've been listening to them for a few months. They're hard to digest if you're not in the mood but they are amazing. I'm actually surprised how well the songs translated to a live setting.
I'm actually not that into Epica or VoA although I do enjoy both. The combination of Unexpect opening and already heading down to see Within Temptation was the turning point in attending. Anyway, is it just me or is Consign to Oblivion not a good finishing song? Don't get me wrong, it's my favourite song of theirs but Simone disappears for 2 minutes and then gets back on stage for the last 30 seconds and then the show is over. Overall, there isn't much of her singing in the 9:45 song. You'd think you'd want to finish off the night with a song featuring heavy doses of all band members.
I was the attendee that described Unexpect as chaotic. I've been listening to them for a few months. They're hard to digest if you're not in the mood but they are amazing. I'm actually surprised how well the songs translated to a live setting.
I'm actually not that into Epica or VoA although I do enjoy both. The combination of Unexpect opening and already heading down to see Within Temptation was the turning point in attending. Anyway, is it just me or is Consign to Oblivion not a good finishing song? Don't get me wrong, it's my favourite song of theirs but Simone disappears for 2 minutes and then gets back on stage for the last 30 seconds and then the show is over. Overall, there isn't much of her singing in the 9:45 song. You'd think you'd want to finish off the night with a song featuring heavy doses of all band members.

Hey, glad to see you stopped by (me being the one you were talking to on the line/in the concert). You know it's kind of funny, i guess i was in such a concert-high that i was a bit oblivious to the fact that the last song was Simone-lite. Maybe using Sensorium or Never Enough to end, and placing Consign either right before or after Menace of Vanity (to space the breaks she gets, with Crystal Mountain a few songs later)? Who knows. They must have their reasons.

Oh btw, Iced Dog, that video *is* Facade. One caveat about it, Simone decided to get cuddly with Coen for a significant portion of the song, you'll notice me trying to focus in on her (being the one singing and all..) only to have to zoom out when someone else gets in the way (not that i don't like to give the entire band camera time, but a guitarist when he's soloing, Mark when he's singing, etc..). I also had to fight to see around the one guy in front of me, who was as tall as me, but had a huge mop of hair heh. Made it annoying (Jibrille, i commented to myself when i saw you getting a face full of hair that you were getting what i had to deal with most of the night heh). Anyway, it's not as good as the WT video, but it will be up soon.
I also had to fight to see around the one guy in front of me, who was as tall as me, but had a huge mop of hair heh. Made it annoying (Jibrille, i commented to myself when i saw you getting a face full of hair that you were getting what i had to deal with most of the night heh).

Yeah, that was a fun end to the night. Especially since the disinterested guy who started picking at is acne ended up in my spot after the mosh pit started and I got shifted to the right (behind the hair guy). FFS, if you're going to just stand there, at least stand back aways. That's actually one of my pet peeves of concert going. Especially when it's the boyfriend or girlfriend who hates this type of music but goes because the significant other drags them along. I was stuck behind one of those people for part of Within Temptation until I moved back because I could hardly see Sharon (or much of anything for that matter) and the speakers were making my eardrums hurt anytime she hit a high note as I had forgotten my earplugs.
For those who actually want to download a copy of my crappy little video, here is the Epica - Facade of Reality FLV download link:


Same as last time, you'll need something that can play FLV files. If you have nothing else, the Riva FLV Encoder available freely from download.com has a player that can handle it.

This is the same video as the one posted to my multiply page that i linked in my last message. The encoding quality is a small bit better. I went for 640x480 instead of 320x240, and the bitrate is 1000, up from 768 in the multiply link.