As if there was any doubt, Within Temptation kicks ass. That being said, they really need to start having more control over who opens for them (yeah i know, it isn't the band, but their label, management, whatever..). The first band up was.. unique. It involved a group of instrumentalists, some using that which i've never before seen (like the one who had to continuously wind this device that sort of looked like a string instrument body, but had some kind of keys to press in it), along with a guy on the mic beat-boxing. Yes you read that correctly, beat freakin boxing, as if this was 1983 and his name was Doug E. Fresh, and then of course the main female vocalist. The whole sound was very eastern, it reminded of the Dead Can Dance, when Lisa Gerrard is singing. As if that wasn't curious enough, they had belly dancers! Three of them in fact! Each came out at a different time. I didn't catch the name of the band, but two of the members were from another band called Unto Ashes. I seem to remember that one. Very gothic, if i recall correctly. Anyway, i had to take pictures of this curiosity:
The first belly dancer
The second belly dancer
After balancing the sword on her head she did some kind of tricks like that.
The third dancer. My friend Andrew, ever the crack up, said she looked like George Takei in drag (aka Sulu from Star Trek. a comment made funnier by the fact that ole Sulu is gay).
After they went off, some other god awful band came on. They sounded like refugees from MTV. They were really awful. The only thing that saved them from being pop punk was the fact that they had 2 guitars. Ok, so it wasn't quite THAT bad, but it was close. They did not belong at a metal show. The only applause they got from anyone was when they said "this is our last song". I did not even bother to take pictures of these posers. At least the first band was interesting and unique, these guys.. just no. It was so bad that a friend of mine started listening to his ipod instead.
FINALLY Within Temptation came on. I don't know if you could say we were warmed up, but we were definitely ready for some first rate music!
These days it seems that it's never hard for me to at least get a picture of the setlist. Being right up front, first or second row at worst, is good like that (hope i didn't just jinx myself).
Hi Sharon!
I don't know if this picture says, "i'm really happy to be here!" or "yeep! Someone has stuck an object up my butt!" Either way, it's a funny expression.
Part of some dufus' hat got in the way, but it's still a good shot
Later, Sharon would comment about how hot it was in the venue. A picture with her face quite red and her hair sticking to it illustrates her point pretty well.
If i remember correctly, this is when they were doing "See Who I Am", when she says "see through my eyes"
For the very last, i managed to record Ice Queen (the last song they played), which included their bowing at the end right before they walked off stage. For the most part i've decided that going for video makes me enjoy the show less, but i couldn't resist.
Afterwards, a few of us went outside to hang out and wait for the band (well, there were plenty more out waiting, but i mean me and mine..). We wound up hooking up with the 2 Roadrunner promoters who were there and we basically hung out with them and talked metal for a couple of hours (in between them trying to push the Machine Head/Arch Enemy co-headliner, but that's ok, that's their job). Eventually, we found out that the band had skipped out the side of the venue into a cab, so there was no point waiting around anymore so we all raced back towards whatever was going to get each of us home and ended another fun night of concerting.

The first belly dancer

The second belly dancer

After balancing the sword on her head she did some kind of tricks like that.

The third dancer. My friend Andrew, ever the crack up, said she looked like George Takei in drag (aka Sulu from Star Trek. a comment made funnier by the fact that ole Sulu is gay).
After they went off, some other god awful band came on. They sounded like refugees from MTV. They were really awful. The only thing that saved them from being pop punk was the fact that they had 2 guitars. Ok, so it wasn't quite THAT bad, but it was close. They did not belong at a metal show. The only applause they got from anyone was when they said "this is our last song". I did not even bother to take pictures of these posers. At least the first band was interesting and unique, these guys.. just no. It was so bad that a friend of mine started listening to his ipod instead.
FINALLY Within Temptation came on. I don't know if you could say we were warmed up, but we were definitely ready for some first rate music!

These days it seems that it's never hard for me to at least get a picture of the setlist. Being right up front, first or second row at worst, is good like that (hope i didn't just jinx myself).

Hi Sharon!

I don't know if this picture says, "i'm really happy to be here!" or "yeep! Someone has stuck an object up my butt!" Either way, it's a funny expression.

Part of some dufus' hat got in the way, but it's still a good shot

Later, Sharon would comment about how hot it was in the venue. A picture with her face quite red and her hair sticking to it illustrates her point pretty well.

If i remember correctly, this is when they were doing "See Who I Am", when she says "see through my eyes"
For the very last, i managed to record Ice Queen (the last song they played), which included their bowing at the end right before they walked off stage. For the most part i've decided that going for video makes me enjoy the show less, but i couldn't resist.
Afterwards, a few of us went outside to hang out and wait for the band (well, there were plenty more out waiting, but i mean me and mine..). We wound up hooking up with the 2 Roadrunner promoters who were there and we basically hung out with them and talked metal for a couple of hours (in between them trying to push the Machine Head/Arch Enemy co-headliner, but that's ok, that's their job). Eventually, we found out that the band had skipped out the side of the venue into a cab, so there was no point waiting around anymore so we all raced back towards whatever was going to get each of us home and ended another fun night of concerting.