Edguy might not be the deepest band around, but man are they fun. Sometimes, that's exactly what you need - a band that doesn't take things too seriously and just knows how to have a good time.
Unfortunately, before Edguy, we were tortured by some of the worst garbage ever to be inflicted upon someone. I want to say it now, loud and clear: ECHOES OF ETERNITY IS THE MOST NO-TALENT WASTE OF A BAND I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF SEEING LIVE! Metal must be reaching a new level here in America again that labels feel comfortable churning out garbage schlock bands. I had given their studio album a listen when i first found out they would be on this tour and i was not impressed. It was generic. Live? The lead vocalist cannot sing at all and the lead guitarist has no skills what so ever. The bassist was kind of ok, but that's it. The entire band (which is from L.A. ... why am i not surprised?) is being sold on the enormous chest of the vocalist. Something they were sure to fully exploit with her clothing. I was far from the only one with this opinion. After the set, everyone around me said the exact same thing. No freaking talent. Can't sing, all about her boobs. Later on, when Edguy did what bands always do and give props to the openers, saying how good they were, people in the crowd were yelling "no they weren't!" Nuclear Blast should be ashamed for signing a band like that. Bands like this will ruin everything we love about metal. Avoid at all costs.
Some of the Members of EoE
Next up was another awful band. Every song sounded exactly the same, and the female vocalist was pure no-talent screamo crap. In between songs, someone shouted out, "You suck!". They just chose to ignore it and kept right on going, i thought it was funny because right after that was said, they thanked everyone for coming out. At one point, i caught myself enjoying a small portion of one song, and then i realized why, they were totally ripping off Maiden! The most interesting thing about their set was watching the bass drums fall apart and wondering how much damage would be done before it was over. I mentioned this to someone else after their set and he was like "you too?! I thought i was the only one!" My camera was low on juice, so i didn't even bother taking a picture of these guys.
Into Eternity was up next. I guess they are starting to grow on me a little. It's only like the 4th time or so i've seen them live. It was bound to happen just by the fact that i am somewhat familiar with their songs. But they just don't quite do it for me. Though they certainly are a hard working band, and it's paid off for them. The lead singer mentioned that they have videos on Headbanger's Ball. I am not sure i would exactly call that a feather in my cap, but it shows that they have come a fair ways. The lead vocalist sure does like to hear himself talk though. At one point he said "i'm hotter than the chick from Echoes of Eternity". But he quickly realized it was something he shouldn't have said and commented on that fact hehe. The crowd liked them, they went pretty nuts, especially during the songs that had videos. I guess they watch Headbanger's Ball
Finally, all the torture was over and Edguy came on. Now, power metal kiddies always go insane for power metal bands, and this was no exception. Tobias Sammet couldn't even get a word in without a wall of cheer stunning him into silence. It got to the point where he basically had to be like "jeez, calm down" with his expressions. People here love their Edguy. Their set was great. Almost everyone that i could see knew every word to every song. Oh yeah and Tobias put the mic to me during Sacrifice. He also put it over my general section at least 2 other times during the night, that's always cool.
At one point, Tobias Sammet asked the crowd something, and one kid right in front of me yelled out "Anal Sex!" which got a funny look from Tobias, but even more hilarious, the entire crowd started chanting, "Anal sex! Anal sex! Anal sex!" The band was visibly in shock. They looked at each other like "wtf, this is America we're in?" Tobias said that America is a country where you can't say "shit" on the radio (ok, so he's a little behind the times, but his point is still well taken), and there the crowd was, chanting for anal sex. All i can say is, only at an Edguy concert. But it was absolutely hilarious.
Anyway, on with the pictures!
The crowd blew them away. After the main set, they were talking back stage and decided to add a song to the encore, special for New York. So the first song of the encore was Mysteria! My only real complaint is that the set could have really been another song or two longer. I would have liked to see more from Hellfire Club. Specifically Under The Moon, though some of the songs from the Superheroes EP would have been fun too: Judas At The Opera, or even Spooks in the Attic. Still, i walked away happy, so it's a minor gripe.
They did this a few times during the set, great for pictures. From left to right: Dirk Sauer, Tobias Exxel, and Jens Ludwig.
Tobias Sammet throwing up the horns.
What Edguy concert would be complete without silly props? He's making fun of the Superheroes video.
The bunny ears made their way to Dirk.
At the end of the night, Tobias commented at how the crowds at their concerts here in the states continues to grow, and he promised that they would be back. I love their concerts, you know i'll be there.
Unfortunately, before Edguy, we were tortured by some of the worst garbage ever to be inflicted upon someone. I want to say it now, loud and clear: ECHOES OF ETERNITY IS THE MOST NO-TALENT WASTE OF A BAND I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF SEEING LIVE! Metal must be reaching a new level here in America again that labels feel comfortable churning out garbage schlock bands. I had given their studio album a listen when i first found out they would be on this tour and i was not impressed. It was generic. Live? The lead vocalist cannot sing at all and the lead guitarist has no skills what so ever. The bassist was kind of ok, but that's it. The entire band (which is from L.A. ... why am i not surprised?) is being sold on the enormous chest of the vocalist. Something they were sure to fully exploit with her clothing. I was far from the only one with this opinion. After the set, everyone around me said the exact same thing. No freaking talent. Can't sing, all about her boobs. Later on, when Edguy did what bands always do and give props to the openers, saying how good they were, people in the crowd were yelling "no they weren't!" Nuclear Blast should be ashamed for signing a band like that. Bands like this will ruin everything we love about metal. Avoid at all costs.

Some of the Members of EoE
Next up was another awful band. Every song sounded exactly the same, and the female vocalist was pure no-talent screamo crap. In between songs, someone shouted out, "You suck!". They just chose to ignore it and kept right on going, i thought it was funny because right after that was said, they thanked everyone for coming out. At one point, i caught myself enjoying a small portion of one song, and then i realized why, they were totally ripping off Maiden! The most interesting thing about their set was watching the bass drums fall apart and wondering how much damage would be done before it was over. I mentioned this to someone else after their set and he was like "you too?! I thought i was the only one!" My camera was low on juice, so i didn't even bother taking a picture of these guys.
Into Eternity was up next. I guess they are starting to grow on me a little. It's only like the 4th time or so i've seen them live. It was bound to happen just by the fact that i am somewhat familiar with their songs. But they just don't quite do it for me. Though they certainly are a hard working band, and it's paid off for them. The lead singer mentioned that they have videos on Headbanger's Ball. I am not sure i would exactly call that a feather in my cap, but it shows that they have come a fair ways. The lead vocalist sure does like to hear himself talk though. At one point he said "i'm hotter than the chick from Echoes of Eternity". But he quickly realized it was something he shouldn't have said and commented on that fact hehe. The crowd liked them, they went pretty nuts, especially during the songs that had videos. I guess they watch Headbanger's Ball

Finally, all the torture was over and Edguy came on. Now, power metal kiddies always go insane for power metal bands, and this was no exception. Tobias Sammet couldn't even get a word in without a wall of cheer stunning him into silence. It got to the point where he basically had to be like "jeez, calm down" with his expressions. People here love their Edguy. Their set was great. Almost everyone that i could see knew every word to every song. Oh yeah and Tobias put the mic to me during Sacrifice. He also put it over my general section at least 2 other times during the night, that's always cool.
At one point, Tobias Sammet asked the crowd something, and one kid right in front of me yelled out "Anal Sex!" which got a funny look from Tobias, but even more hilarious, the entire crowd started chanting, "Anal sex! Anal sex! Anal sex!" The band was visibly in shock. They looked at each other like "wtf, this is America we're in?" Tobias said that America is a country where you can't say "shit" on the radio (ok, so he's a little behind the times, but his point is still well taken), and there the crowd was, chanting for anal sex. All i can say is, only at an Edguy concert. But it was absolutely hilarious.
Anyway, on with the pictures!

The crowd blew them away. After the main set, they were talking back stage and decided to add a song to the encore, special for New York. So the first song of the encore was Mysteria! My only real complaint is that the set could have really been another song or two longer. I would have liked to see more from Hellfire Club. Specifically Under The Moon, though some of the songs from the Superheroes EP would have been fun too: Judas At The Opera, or even Spooks in the Attic. Still, i walked away happy, so it's a minor gripe.

They did this a few times during the set, great for pictures. From left to right: Dirk Sauer, Tobias Exxel, and Jens Ludwig.

Tobias Sammet throwing up the horns.

What Edguy concert would be complete without silly props? He's making fun of the Superheroes video.

The bunny ears made their way to Dirk.
At the end of the night, Tobias commented at how the crowds at their concerts here in the states continues to grow, and he promised that they would be back. I love their concerts, you know i'll be there.