Episode 25 is out. Cover This!

Evil C, great fucking episode!! I love cover songs and that was great to hear all of them back to back like that. I love the Pantera cover of Cat Scratch Fever, and there were some covers I've never heard before. Thanks for another good one:notworthy :notworthy
Evil C, towards the end of the show you were talking about an album of covers that we should all check out but I wasn't paying full attention. What album was that? I guess if I wasn't so lazy I'd just go back and listen to the show again. :heh: :heh:
Thanks Evil C, I'm going out tomorrow to try to hunt down the new Dragon Force so I'll look for that too. I've never been a big fan of that band either, but (in my best Beavis voice) covers are cool.:kickass: :kickass: