Episode 22 Kicks Ass!!

Mar 13, 2006
Tacoma WA
Thanks guys for another great episode. That was so cool to focus in on one artist, when you hear all their stuff like that you realize that some people put out a lot of great music. Sometimes it gets diluted because you only hear it a little at a time as each album gets released, but then you put it all together and you have almost 2 hours of kick ass music. :worship:
yeah, it was pretty cool, i never really listened to anthrax, like ive heard them, but ive never bought any of their albums or anything, but now i love anthrax, the blast beat was pretty cool. but i missed darkthrone damage...

you guys dont play a whole lot of grind on your show, is it because you just dont like grind?
Glad you guys liked the show. Big time anthrax fan here, so the comments are really appreciated.

yeah you are right. we avent played too much grind so far. thats cause we want shows longer then 1 minute.. hehe. no seriously, we will definitely get some grind on here very soon...

evil c
The only stuff I've heard has been in the other Metal Injection podcasts. The guy who does the Dead Zone does an all grind podcast every so often and I've listened all the way through 2 of them, and I think Jim from The Entropy League did an entire Nasum podcast, right after they released that final double CD with like, 1000 songs on it. :) Just didn't care for it, but I haven't heard a ton of it.
Yeah definitely with a lot of grind. Most people really like it or cant stand it. Not many that fall in the middle. Im more of in the middle with it. There are some good bands that I enjoy, old napalm death, cattle decapitation, nasum, etc.

Evil c.