Episode 56

Hi there
THis is an English metalhead contacting you across the waves...
Love the show, have been listening for years but never made contact, so here we are.

Love the content, love the different moods (!) and styles.
Its all metal and that's great.

Ep 56 - love the wintersun, thanks to the guy who threatened to stalk you unless you played it. It lightened my day (I've been playing it eversince).

Love ep57 too, again the second track was one I had not heard before but was quietly impressed with.
All the other stuff is great, I'm just going thorugh the archives listening to the Maidenfest, look no ozzy and those old episodes: classic.
Thanks again for making an English bastard smile.

PS if its any use I can spread stickers / adverts around in the UK so us lot can tune in to MSRcast.....