Eq-ing reverb help?


Oct 10, 2009
I know that everybody EQs reverb to get rid of the junk frequencies, but I've been messing with it and having some trouble. Can someone help me out and post what the best general hi/ low pass for verb is for different things? Like snare, toms, vocals. My verb always either sounds like it's too much or too little, and I think my not knowing how to hi/ lo pass it correctly is a big part of that.
I have a verb bus that I usually only send lead gtrs and vox to, and sometimes bass. I end up high passing at about 200hz, or until the mud disappears, and I low pass around 13KHz, in order to not interfere with the overheads.

Personally I don't really use that much verb on drums, unless it's for an effect, like a huge snare in an atmospheric section.
Personally I don't really use that much verb on drums, unless it's for an effect, like a huge snare in an atmospheric section.

So you're not using any on normal snare or toms parts? My drums sound way too dry without it... even if it's just a little
I find Eqing reverb to be one of those things that you have to just play the mix back and set them as drastically as you can without losing the good stuff. anything uner 300hz in reverb i usually can't even hear in the context of the mix so i cut it, same with the upper 5khz+ range.
Big mixer don't eq verb for get rid of annoying frequency, they eq fx return for tailor the fx on the track. It change all the time because this thing depend of the track, verb, music genre...etc.
I find Eqing reverb to be one of those things that you have to just play the mix back and set them as drastically as you can without losing the good stuff. anything uner 300hz in reverb i usually can't even hear in the context of the mix so i cut it, same with the upper 5khz+ range.
This sounds like good advice... thanks!
I'll usually solo out the 100% wet bus and tweak HP/LP there, then add the tracks going to the bus with and without the wet bus, then the whole mix and make sure everything is good.
I at least high pass drastically the return reverb track because there is usually no point in keeping the low-end reverb-ing for 5s. That's just too much junk coming from the snare track when it is paying rolls or blast beats.
I'll usually solo out the 100% wet bus and tweak HP/LP there, then add the tracks going to the bus with and without the wet bus, then the whole mix and make sure everything is good.

I actually meant to ask this, how do you solo out just an aux bus like for reverb in Pro Tools? Whenever I try it, it plays nothing, unless I solo the actual drums with it, and then it plays the drums + verb. If I could hear just the verb or delay itself, it would be much easier to eq out junk!!
EQ'ing reverb usually ends up sounding like crap. Process before hitting the reverb, and/or get a better reverb.

Just HP/LP enough to cut the low rumbling or ess-y high end.
Do you guys normally do the same kind of hp lp on delay? If I had a bus with verb and delay on it, would I just throw one eq after both, or one in between each?