EQ/processing in Superior Drummer 2.0?

Rob Humanoid

New Metal Member
May 14, 2012
Hey 'dere,

I was wondering if anyone can offer me a bit of advice re. producing with SD 2? I'm relatively new to production, so please bear with me. :)

Previously, I've been using FXpansion Geist for my drums, and separating each drum out on to its own channel (for individual drum processing). However, I've recently moved over to SD 2, and I'm wondering would it be better to process/EQ them using SD's own mixer and effects. Or would you use separate channels in you DAW of choice?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated,


I have always found it best to do a little of both, but mostly in daw. What I do is group the microphones in SD2 together (left and right kick to channel 1, hats to 2, all three snare to channel 3, and so on), mix the mic levels in these groups using SD2s mixer (just turning up the levels on the different mics to get the general mix you want) and then do all equalization and all other mixing with DAW plugins. I use Sonar and the plugins it comes with are much easier to control than SD2s. I end up with 8 channels: kicks, hats, snare, toms, floor toms, overhead, ambient, and room.
Thanks for the quick response mate. :)

Nice one - Cheers for the advice! That would probably suit me best, as I'm used to separating out the channels in Logic anyway.

I'm loving the sound of the Metal Foundry add on!! :)
I created a "default" template setup, similar to Svet's.

All the instruments are pre-configured to their own bus groups. kicks=1, snares=2, hats=3, etc...

I also routed all the effects channels to their own bus.. and all those buses are each routed to one stereo out.

This makes it easier to effect entire groups of things. You can set up eq's and compression on each bus, instead of all the individual instrument channels.