EQ Question: Knobs/EQ sliders most important for articulate higher end notes?


Dec 29, 2005
General EQ question

Which Knobs/EQ sliders are most important in bringing out the higher end notes in a full melodic chord ? (Gain Knob around 8)

I know that the 6600 EQ slider helps big time

I'm wondering how much Treble and Presence come into play?

Does the presence just make it sounder "brighter" and have nothing to do with it helping it sound more articulate in the higher end strings?

I use a modded Mesa Mark IIIC+ and I love how my amp is sounding ( like a high gain crunchy articulate beast)

I just want to educate myself on which plays the biggest part in my question

cause I need a slightly more clear/articulate higher end(e, b strings) in fully melodic chords.
dandan - just use yours ears man... 6k is "presense" area and 2.5k is "bite" area.

gain at 8 oclock? or gain at 8 as in, 4 oclock?

back the gain off if you want more clarity.
4 o clock

but the gain on this amp is very tight and its not really the issue at all.


I will EQ the last 2 sliders very closey and use my ears 2200/6600. Thats all I wanted to know, i just didn't want to start moving all my knobs/eqs without knowing the effect it would have.

I'd rather keep it where it is now (what im happy with) and find out precisely what EQ's are going to fix up what im lookin to do.

thanks, you told me exactly what I wanted to know! thousand thank you's : )
dandan said:
4 o clock
... i just didn't want to start moving all my knobs/eqs without knowing the effect it would have.

Moving those knobs and sliders and listening will teach you far more than anyone can communicate in text. Just write down your settings and start tweaking.