EQ theory for dummies... like me.


OneMetal.com Music Editor
I know most of the guys on this forum are professional or at least proficient producers/mixers/home recorders, and I've been learning a lot from reading the posts here. However, quite a lot of it goes over my head, being the relative newcomer, and also being hindered with only a Line6 Guitarport, a copy of Leafdrums and Adobe Audition to play with. So most of my stuff is done on a trial-and-error basis.

I found this tutorial on EQ theory, notching and rolling off, etc., and thought I'd share it here for the other less experienced home recorders/producers/mixers here. Helped me a hell of a lot.


The site it's from is packed with stuff like this, with varying degrees of usefulness. Well worth checking out.
I know Audition 1.5 like the back of my hand if you need any help. Been using it since it was the original Cool Edit. What is Leafdrums?
DIOBOILIC - Leafdrums is a shareware drum sequencing program - cheap, cheerful and quite simple to use. Sadly doesn't incorporate velocity programming features, however, and the samples that come with it are pretty crap. It doesn't let you change time-signature mid-file either. But, as I have a non-existent budget, it works for me. :) Oh, and you're probably going to regret the offer of help - I'll be bugging you all the time now! For instance - is there a way of getting a frequency analysis graph like the third diagram in the feature I posted? I seem to only be able to lock the real-time frequency analysis at a certain point in each track, rather than getting an average analysis for the entirety of each track and grouping those onto the graph.

2dark - cheers, I'll check that out now!
Sorry to derail the thread, but speaking of leafdrums, is there any drum sequencers that people would recommend? I use leafdrums but would really preffer something more versatile. I've heard that the battery/cubase combo works pretty well, but I don't have a MIDI keyboard or anything, so I'm not sure about the level of difficulty I'd experience trying to track anything.
dill_the_devil said:
For instance - is there a way of getting a frequency analysis graph like the third diagram in the feature I posted? I seem to only be able to lock the real-time frequency analysis at a certain point in each track, rather than getting an average analysis for the entirety of each track and grouping those onto the graph.

It's not possible to get that kind of frequency analysis in Audition (at least not that I've been able to figure out). I've always had the same trouble with the F.A as you are, which renders the function completely useless. Maybe theres a frequency analysis plugin out there capable of this..

For now, we gotta use our ears...
From my experience, Audition has been fairly inflexible. No MIDI support and alot of my VST plug-ins either crash the program or work in convoluted ways (fucked up GUI etc.). It doesn't seem like a very good recording tool with everything else out there.
DIOBOLIC5150 said:
It's not possible to get that kind of frequency analysis in Audition (at least not that I've been able to figure out). I've always had the same trouble with the F.A as you are, which renders the function completely useless. Maybe theres a frequency analysis plugin out there capable of this..

For now, we gotta use our ears...
Waves platinum has some nice ones.

But using your ears is always the best way, provided you know what your doing hehe :)
Damn, that's me screwed then... hehehe! Oh, an a vaguely related note, but probably not of much interest to anyone, I found some more tutorials on that site about EQing, including one that gives a list of key frequency ranges, and what happens when you boost or cut them. I read that one, then one explaining how to properly use parametric equalisers, applied those theories via Audition to my old drum tracks, and it all sounds much more 'real' now! Just got to get myself a decent metal snare sample now - quite compressed, no delay, that kinda thing. Any suggestions, anyone?
Impy said:
Waves PAZ Analyzer is what you want (if audition is VST compatible?). It has frequenzy analyzing, both realtime and song-average and also phase meters etc.

Audition supports DXi and VST... And you're right, that analyzer is exactly what he needs. I actually have it and didn't even realize it (never used it). Maybe my mixes would benefit from a tool like this. But I'm to lazy to find out. I just use my ears (probably why my mixes suck). :err:
haha.. well i recommend cubase sx over audition. I have a "try before you buy" copy of it hehehe. I use plugins and inserts and eqs like mad all over my stuff and it works flawlessly. I still dont know half the stuff its capable of, but so far i love it. I had audition before by the way.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Cubase is so much better that its not even funny.

wanna compare an SX mix to an audition mix? :D

I'd like to try out Cubase SX..
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Hopefully I can get my newest song online soon, Without trying to sound immodest... the sound is rather good to my ears. :D

Lets have it! Bring the noise.. :D Is it more grindcore? I love the grind.