EQing Marshall G12T-75


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
I'm in the process of mixing a thrash metal album. I'm verry happy with the results for now, I chose an old Marshall 1960A over my Mesa OS cab to record the guitars because the band wanted something more "old school" sounding.
Amp is an Engl Savage, one SM57 track on each side, no ts.
I tried to choose the best speaker but it still sounds a bit phasey and fizzy.

Anyway there's something really cool with the tone and I'm sure I can get a great thrash tone out of this. The distorded bass tone fits well with this too. I didn't use too much low end in the guitars.

IMO G12T-75s sound a bit dull in the mids with agressive high midrange/treble.
What do you guys suggest EQ-wise ? I know it completely depends on the recorded tone of course but do you have "key-frequencies" that you may boost to get the tone a bit more present with those speakers ? I think I should ask Daniel Bergstrand about this ahah he gets AMAZING tones out of them !

I HPed @ 80 Hz, LPed @ 12k, removed 0,5 db @ 6k and 3,2k, now it sounds smoother, but now I think I need a bit of boosting here and there to fit this in the mix. Any ideas about something that usually works with those speakers ?
I also always got a phasey feel with those speakers even with a single mic infront.
I found out it only sounds not phasey in the very center. But there it's of course pretty bright. But you could try to adjust your high and presence settings starting from there.
I usually think the most important thing is to not reference to v30 recordings.
most of us have gotten so used to the v30 tone that when comparing our t75 tones to our favorite v30 tones we get frustrated.
the t75 is supposed to sound different, reference to some good t75 recordings..that way you end up doing way less EQ.
but yeah, I usually notch a bit in the high mids....
gotta admit though, that I'm getting good tones way (that suit MY taste) easier from a v30 than from a t75, so I'm really only using it for old school thrash and DM etc.

also: with t75 I usually set the LP a bit lower than with v30
also: with t75 I usually set the LP a bit lower than with v30

+1, to get rid of the fizz.

I'm sur this tone can turn really cool but it's a bit sterile for now. I tried to add a bit of 400 Hz to get some "warmth", it's quite cool actually, I think now I need something to get a bit more sizzle (8,5k sounds OK).
Here is a clip of my mix.

Toms are there but no treatment going on them for the moment.
Drums are basically there, I used the smashed room mics "ala Bergstrand" to get this drum sound.
Guitars are a bit EQed, not totally satisfied with them but I'm in the right way I guess. What do you think ? Lacks a bit of agression and sizzle but I find that it glues well with the bass.
It's not a "final" mixed version but everything is there to get something good I hope.
Guitar chain was : LTD EC-1000 into Savage 120 / Marshall 1960A cab. One SM57 going into a Vintech pre.
I have the feeling that G12T75 are a bit less sensible to EQing than V30 speakers. IMO it's easier to "sculpt" the guitar sound with them. Probably because there are a bit "dull sounding".

I'm curious what do you guys think of this tone ?