Krank Revolution with Marshall 4x12


Dec 22, 2004
Hi Andy and others

I'm probably going to change my 5150 to Krank Revolution. I have Marshall JCM-900 Lead Series cabinet with Celestionin G12T-75 speakers. Tomorrow I'll test Krank but the music store has only Bogner/ENGL/Krank cabinets and none of those has same Celestion speakers as I have.

Has anyone played Krank through Marshall cabinet? Andy, have you recorded Krank with Marshall cabinet?

Thanks in advance.
I had a 2x12 Marshall 1936 cab (also equipped with T75's) and did not like it as much (using the Krank) as my Boogie with V30.

The T75's are a bit bitey/grainy by nature. The V30 seems to be a smoother more well rounded speaker for metal/rock. I think the 75's go well with Marshall heads, it's a good pairing, but my Krank did not get along too well with the T75's.. YMMV.
EtherForBreakfast said:
I had a 2x12 Marshall 1936 cab (also equipped with T75's) and did not like it as much (using the Krank) as my Boogie with V30.

The T75's are a bit bitey/grainy by nature. The V30 seems to be a smoother more well rounded speaker for metal/rock. I think the 75's go well with Marshall heads, it's a good pairing, but my Krank did not get along too well with the T75's.. YMMV.

I've always used Marshall cabinets with T75 speakers but maybe it'd be time to try some cabinet with V30s or Eminence..At least with JCM-800 and 5150 Marshall cab equipped with T75s works fine and sounds nice.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have modded Boss SD-1 od pedal. It adds some more lows to the sound and makes it somehow smoother.
Matt Crooks said:
Take your cab with you and plug into it at the store. If you're serious about buying the new amp, the store will let you try it out with your own gear.

Yes I know and I will. I just called to music store today and they said it's ok to take the cab with me. The amp is so expensive that I really want to make sure that I like the sound with my Marshall cab because I'm not planning to change the cabinet.