Equipment on "The Gathering"?


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2004

The Sound on The Gathering blows me away! I love it, it´s the best I´ve ever heard. I play E-guitar and so I wanna know what Guitars/Amps (most important)/or Effects were used on this Album. I didn´t find anything on the web. Maybe you know something from interviews or something :)



I've heard that ENGL Savage is also used on Gathering? Anyway. ENGL Savage and Powerball are great amps. They can produce sound very close to Mesa Rectos or even better.

I really liked the sound of the drums. The bass drum is triggered for sure, and it sounds great, 'cause it doesn't sound artificial. Which triggers and module were used for it?


jani78 said:
I've heard that ENGL Savage is also used on Gathering? Anyway. ENGL Savage and Powerball are great amps. They can produce sound very close to Mesa Rectos or even better.

i don't think eric or myself had ever even heard of Engl amps at that time. Eric, as memory serves, used his triple recs. i used a Marshall for solos.
evilheart said:
Hail! I really liked the sound of the drums. The bass drum is triggered for sure, and it sounds great, 'cause it doesn't sound artificial. Which triggers and module were used for it? \m/ Rodolfo

that was my DM5. i mapped the fusion and beachball kicks (andy's choices, which i believe i'm remembering accurately) to adjacent keys on my Kurzweil and then played both keys as close to simultaneously as i could.. andy sampled the resultant output. this topic came up a short while back on andy's forum as well.

i like your statement.... "the bass drum is triggered for sure".. followed shortly by, "it doesn't sound artificial"... :grin: then how did you know? :err: ... nevermind, good call at any rate.
James Murphy said:
i don't think eric or myself had ever even heard of Engl amps at that time. Eric, as memory serves, used his triple recs. i used a Marshall for solos.

I also doubt that information when someone in some forum wrote that Eric was using ENGL Savage back in 1997 (or 1998) when Gathering was recorded. Anyway, if you haven't already tried you should try ENGL Powerball and Savage amps. They can produce sound very similiar to Mesa Recs or even better.

It seems you also like Children Of Bodom. They are from my home country Finland. Their second guitarist Roope Latvala has always been idol for me since I started playing guitar.
futurebre said:
Jani, that person was me :) Anyway, some website told me that information.
And about Roope, he is even better player and songwritter than Alexi for sure! Roopes old band 'Stone'(thrash/speed from the eighties) was the shit! You should all check out Stone!
Here you can find some information about Stone:

Yes, now I remember. It was you who told that but I read the information from some Metal Forum already before you told me about ENGL Savage and Gathering connection.
James Murphy said:
that was my DM5. i mapped the fusion and beachball kicks (andy's choices, which i believe i'm remembering accurately) to adjacent keys on my Kurzweil and then played both keys as close to simultaneously as i could.. andy sampled the resultant output. this topic came up a short while back on andy's forum as well.

You use the dm5 for the toms to?
i guess you need the sneap to get that punch cus i shure as hell cant that sound when were recording with my dm5 :confused: