Eric Petersons live rig in new Guitar World


Hamster Style
Jun 19, 2005
I just cracked into my new Guitar World (June 06).

Eric Peterson talks about his live rig on the last page. His rig is basically guitar into Recto head. He says he ALWAYS has a Boss DD-5 in the loop set to 400ms delay to thicken his sound, and that it is his "security blanket".

Obviously it can't be more than 10 or 15% into his signal which does kinda beef it a bit, but I have not heard of too many cats doing this? Especially
for rhythm playing.

James - you've obviously played with Eric many times during your Testament years, and I'm sure you checked his rig out.

Is he more or less using that DD5 almost like a pseudo verb, or?? Most cats go right in with just a boost. Kinda struck me as weird that a cat like Peterson would have a delay pedal in his loop. Or maybe I'm talkin' cRaZy.
EtherForBreakfast said:
James - you've obviously played with Eric many times during your Testament years, and I'm sure you checked his rig out.
while i was in the band i often either put his rig together for him or would troubleshoot any problem he had... he didn't use that pedal then, to the best of my memory. Eric is not the most tech-saavy, he's more of a player than a gear-head, so he made have been mistaken in what he was saying... or rather just inadvertantly worded it weird.
Thanks, James.

That hits home because he says something to the effect of "my pedals are not even on a pedal board.. they are on the floor because it makes them easier to trouble shoot". =)

It just lists a wah, chorus, and tuner on floor.. and that dd5 in loop.

im thinking he meant to say 40ms, or that 400ms was a typo and they forgot to mention the wet/dry ratio...
That makes more sense - my delay has footswitch to change from long to short delay times, so I sometimes use it as a doubler at around 30-50ms with the level set pretty low. Playing it clean like that it sounds like you're in a tiny, really reflective room, but with the distortion on it just sounds really thick. For me, it sounds best on mid-paced chord stuff. On big power-ballad stylee open chords it's not as good as using a longer delay time, and with quick stuff it gets a bit blurry - so I'd guess Eric Peterson has the level really low for the stuff he plays.

EtherForBreakfast said:
Thanks, James.

That hits home because he says something to the effect of "my pedals are not even on a pedal board.. they are on the floor because it makes them easier to trouble shoot". =)

It just lists a wah, chorus, and tuner on floor.. and that dd5 in loop.

im thinking he meant to say 40ms, or that 400ms was a typo and they forgot to mention the wet/dry ratio...

Well, with delays less than 30 ms, the human ear can´t distinguish two notes distinctly, but hear instead, a thicker sound. I use a 27-50 ms delay for that.
On the CD-Rom for the May 2006 GW, Peterson plays examples of Over The Wall and Trial by Fire and it sounds like he has heavy delay on the amp he is playing.
They dont actually show the amp but you can hear a very distinct echo behind it.
I'm thinking it probably *is* 400ms with a very low blend, say 15% max. It just struck me as odd that a guy who plays 99.99% rhythm all day long needs/wants any delay at all.

GGI - Nothing about his recto settings. Its just a blurb on the very last page like they do every month where they list some random cats rig. 3 guitars are listed, a dean cadillac with a jb in bridge, a dean v with a super dist in bridge, and a gibson v with an 85 in bridge. tu2 tuner, ce5 chorus, dunlop wah..
maybe i'm mistaken, but i *think* on the live in london dvd i saw some kind of boost pedal on the floor...prolly an sd1.
EtherForBreakfast said:
I'm thinking it probably *is* 400ms with a very low blend, say 15% max. It just struck me as odd that a guy who plays 99.99% rhythm all day long needs/wants any delay at all.

GGI - Nothing about his recto settings. Its just a blurb on the very last page like they do every month where they list some random cats rig. 3 guitars are listed, a dean cadillac with a jb in bridge, a dean v with a super dist in bridge, and a gibson v with an 85 in bridge. tu2 tuner, ce5 chorus, dunlop wah..

Thanks Ether...Next time I see him around I'll be sure to ask about the pedal.
Eric would have delay on the Snare if I gave him a chance, he's obsessed with delays lol.

And yes, Live he does play with a very low blend of 400ms in there all the time, I don't know why, but he likes it.
Andy Sneap said:
Eric would have delay on the Snare if I gave him a chance, he's obsessed with delays lol.

That's some funny stuff... Kinda like Kirk and his wah?

Sucktallica in studio with Rick Rubin:

Kirk: "The drums are not quite right. Can we run the overheads through my wah? And Jaymz voice needs something. Do you have a talk box?"

Lars: "I'm not liking my snare, it's too stock... Can we try that plastic folding chair?"

Jaymz: "Overalls and ESP Trucksters. Booom-ahhhhh."

Hey Andy, since we're on the subject of Eric's tone i might ask a few q's about the live in london mixing if i may.
Did you reamp the guitars or were they just raw tracks from the gig?
I'd asume that you reamped, but I still think it's a valid question. I just can't believe that a Recto could sound so harsh, but so right in the mix.
"Eric would have delay on the Snare if I gave him a chance, he's obsessed with delays lol."
on a (halfway :D ) related sidenote: i'm way into the whole delay/reverb soaked george lynch lead tone. when tracking leads, should i record dry without any fx at all and add them later in the mix, or should i record them with the sound just as i want it, i.e. with the delay/reverb turned on?
Fragle said:
on a (halfway :D ) related sidenote: i'm way into the whole delay/reverb soaked george lynch lead tone. when tracking leads, should i record dry without any fx at all and add them later in the mix, or should i record them with the sound just as i want it, i.e. with the delay/reverb turned on?

Add the delay and verb in the mix. You have more control over the effect this way. Otherwise you might wind up needing more or less of the effect to get it to sound the way you want in the mix.
EtherForBreakfast said:
That's some funny stuff... Kinda like Kirk and his wah?

Sucktallica in studio with Rick Rubin:

Kirk: "The drums are not quite right. Can we run the overheads through my wah? And Jaymz voice needs something. Do you have a talk box?"

Lars: "I'm not liking my snare, it's too stock... Can we try that plastic folding chair?"

Jaymz: "Overalls and ESP Trucksters. Booom-ahhhhh."


lol:lol:. Good one Ether.