Modded messa rig may be of interest

Feb 9, 2006
Hope this is of interest to the community! :kickass:

Because of some changes in my bands live set I’ve needed to upgrade my rig and have stumbled on the most versatile rig EVER!!!... Well probably!

My original live rig was a messa solo 50 & 2 x 2x12 marshal cabs wich I lay like 88 instead of stacking….the original signal path was

PRS >>crybaby>>line6 modulator>>dtr1000>>hush superC>>messa input>>send>>berhinger gate>>return (channel switching using messa pedal clean/dist)

Very tight rhythm rig but now live I need more channels,clean, clean with delay and chorus, a crunch dist, a crunch dist with delay and my full on mess sound.

The conundrum I had was I wanted to keep the main full on messa sound gated up to fuck both front end of the amp and fx loop but have no gate on the crunch tones and the clean tones….. also I wanted to switch to a channel and FX with one button ie no tap dancing.

So after much sketching during a couple of reamps I came up with this AND IT IS KILLER!!!!!! So I thought some of you guys may want to know or mod it for your self:

Here goes:

First part of the signal path:

PRS >>crybaby>>dtr1000>> Nobels transformer isolated remote A/B

A>>Hush super C>> messa input.
B>>Pod xt pro>> messa power amp via FX loop return

The fx loop now looks like this:-

Send>>berhinger gate>> art a/b/Y cool box(set to y)

Inputs to a& b on the cool box are the outputs from both the berhinger gate & the pod xt pro…. This is then routed to the the messa power amp via the return on the messa's FX loop

Switching on the pod is achieved by using the 4 channel FBV express switching from messa to pod is done by a remote latching swich attacted to the Nobels transformer isolated remote A/B

The messa is set to full on sound at all times and stays hiss free because of the Behringer gate.

I’m getting is all built into a custom flight case for £160 (rack and head) so it can stay wired at all times (including HK red box in the speaker chain)

The tone is kick ass and it is totally expandable…. took some tweaking on the pod xt pro but… you still get the valves @ the power stage…

Hope this is of some interest to you guys!!! lol :headbang:

yes yes yes.... i really am captain dyslexia!!! :p

Good idea about using the crunch on the meSa as i could drive the clean to pushed and crunch it up there (never a fan of meSa clean anyways... pod is definatly nicer) although it does make switching a little trickier.... what i could do is use the podxt pro as a midi switcher with a gadget from nobels called the ms4..... little more expense (approx £70) but could be better i guess... then do all switching from the FBV express, quite an elegent soluton

cheers guys!

Just seems to me like I'd rather get my distortion tones, be it balls out or crunch from a full tube amp, and leave the pod to do cleans, which it can quite well, being as though my fav clean amp is solid state anyway (Roland JC-120).