Erik needs to get off his ass

Jersey Dave

Beer... Did you say BEER?
Dec 3, 2002
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The title says it all. Especially now that the Metamorphosis is out, I'm even more pissed that Erik hasn't finished the vocals. That boy really needs to figure out what band he wants to be in since obviously his second band is more important.

I'm starting to smell the stench of rot here.
If you knew Erik as well as I do you wouldn't say chill out man... they've been waiting for over a year for him to do the vocals.

Check out the song "Billy" at if you want to hear his other band. And I stress... listen with caution.. evil music ahead.
Now that I have gotten a chance to hear the new music and knowing Erik I couldn't agree with you more.

Although I can now see what a difficult job he has. Don't see how anyone can sing over this insane stuff. Let alone mold it into a story.

I could live with it without vocals.............

the new music gives me chills...

Bob "Buddah"
Yeah I am by no means pissed at him I just think he's got to either show some progress or call it quits. The new songs are AWESOME and the cd should have been out a long time ago.... come on Erik.
Lets just say that Erik has his priorities F'd up and the guys know it......

Come on Erik.... Marble Music ain't going anywhere... we talked about this for three hours, drunk off our assses in Amsterdam.... not happenin'
It seems like you guys don't respect a member of the band. Unless you all want to call this the Tipton brothers band.

And i think you all shouldn't be bitching and revealing internal matters.
I listened to all the songs on the website awhile back and I liked most of them. Some had a kind of Rainbow-ish (Dio era) feel to them. Didn't care much for "Billy" or "Marlboro Man" though. "Starlight Storage" and "7/8" seem to be heavier than the rest and are my two favorites. Check out those two songs. :)

Just want to say I'm a fan of !:worship:Erik's voice, period.

I am also getting really anxious about the new ZH. :Spin:

hyperdesire said:
It seems like you guys don't respect a member of the band. Unless you all want to call this the Tipton brothers band.

And i think you all shouldn't be bitching and revealing internal matters.

Why is this an internal matter?? All of us know well that everything on the cd is finished but the vocals.... and has been like that for some time. I think Eric is an awesome singer and maybe even a better writer but knowing how long ago the cd could have been done just annoys me.

Especially when you see other bands that have just as complicated songs and playing, making cd's every year, two at the most.

No it's not the Tipton brother band and without Erik it wouldn't be ZH.. but the fact is that everyone has done their part and are waiting on Erik. So at that rate you might as well call it the Erik band since he's holding everything else up.

Come on man!! We need to hear your awesome voice again!
Dave do you think that it might be possible that something else in life has taken his priority away from things?

Of course there are other important things that could be going on. When I started this thread I didn't want to sound nasty (even though it does) but rather to show how anxious everyone is for the new cd. I'm well known for being out-spoken and saying what I think so I couldn't help keep my mouth shut any longer.

If it was just some regular guys with an "ok" band I wouldn't be in such a rush. Knowning what Erik is capable of (not excluding the rest of the guys) make's the waiting even WORSE when you know a new cd is in the works.

Erik doesn't think he has such a good talent at writing lyrics and vocal melodies as we all know he does, and sometimes you just need to give him a some encourgement... by BITCHING! :D

So I just wanted to light a fire under his ass that's all...not bash him.

I don't know Eric personally or any others in the band, but did meet them briefly at PPIII and they all seemed like great guys. I do know that they are all extremely talented. I have not listened to this "other" band Erik is a part of, but I know he is a huge part of what makes Zero Hour, exactly 25% IMO. The 4 guys together make ZH. I am anticipating new ZH very highly. I can not wait to see them perform live again. And I would not like to see Erik leave ZH, it would be a disaster.
Okay, now, I have listened to the Marble songs and it is indeed different from ZH. It has its merits and one could criticize it, but IMO it's good because it isn't the expected. In addition, I'm listening to the Secular Trend songs now. Again, different. Can one really believe Erik has been part of all this music? Secular Trend, Marble, and Zero Hour (maybe others, too), Wow.
Okay, last thing. I'm positive it is not easy to write lyrics and vocal parts for what the other guys in ZH come up with musically, I mean you've heard what they have put out before. We are talking about guys that are musically as near to perfect as perfect can humanly be possible. I'm sure Erik only wishes to continue that endeavor of perfection on his vocal parts.