Erik, put down the crackpipe please.

you might have not noticed this yet but i am the type of dude that vehemently resists any new technology and any change in what i know and like until i actually try it, at which point i do a total 180 and praise said thing's glory

if this is true ... don't ever walk into a GAP store ... :loco:
I need a new soundcard, but that can wait for now, but I figure, why spend money on two sound systems, when all i really need is one? I use my comp speakers for my TV and for my comp. Music, games, movies, TV, all in one.
TV #1: w/ DVD, receiver, 5.1 set-up, etc. = watch TV, watch all movies, listen to music
TV #2: w/ DVD, video games = watch some TV, play video games
computer w/ DVD, 5.1 set-up, etc. = use the computer, listen to some music
I don't go INTO the GAP, but I walked by it the other day and noticed that they actually have denim jackets that arn't tailered for fucking GANGSTAAAAAHHSSS like most these days, ie: they fit properly.
dude ... the Gap has really fucking cool denin and corduroy jackets ... simple old school style
i'll send my aunt in to pick one up for me then. I refuse to go in there personally, the commercially are to blatantly non-hetero. I do however have 2 pairs of black jeans from the gap that are very nice and comfortable.
You should shop here Lurch, Stewies big and tall man shop.
let me clarify something here ... Big & Tall shops have stuff for people that are both big AND tall at the same time.

for example, I wear regular XL tops, but need them a little longer ... most online shops have XL Tall.

Big & Tall shops only have sizes like XXXL Tall and Extra Tall ... and up from there ... basically those shops are for the "big" american dude.

tried looking for stuff in those stores ... can never find anything.
Claws of Perdition said:
no particular reason. ive just never had good speakers hooked up to my computer. i might think otherwise if i did. but meh, i like the idea of hooking two big speakers to a stereo amp. preferably one that was made of vacuum tubes. yes, im lost in the 70s.