ERIK'S FUN THREADS, Pt. #239: Inkblot test!


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
You know how this works, you tell me what you see in the pictures, and then I derive from your answers that you're gay, in love with your mother, etc.

L to R:

Top down view of the head of a horny toad.
Door to the inner workings from already inside a cave.
Two Easter Island-ish heads.
Lightning towers.
Old man with horns (could it be... SATAN!?!?) sitting cross-legged.

PS: berry poll soonish, thx
1st: Antaeus logo krazed out. Second: a really big bug of some kind that wants to eat me. third: two orc/jew mongrels facing eachother, ready to battle. fourth: pepparkakasgubbar. last: a kool spaceship and its reflection in the sea
I see a skull mask
I see an imperial attack spaceturtle
I see an anatomical diagram of uterus+ovaries+vagina
I see a bat... man... BATMAN
A Samurai wearing an ornamented helmet
1: Butterfly-shaped space ship
2: Penguin with airplane wings in flight towards the anus of Mr. Goatse Man
3: A couple of Super Mario World-style BLARRRGH monsters, except standing up, with penises too :/
4: A teddy bear
5: Said teddy bear ripping up his stomach to reveal plenty of intestines and gore
A strange tribal mask with fox ears
Its a castle
Two owls facing a different direction
Two masked men facing opposite directions
A ruined world floating above hell
Typed without scrolling down to look at other answers.

1. Spiked skull
2. Angry demon sitting on futuristic throne-thingy
3. Two hideously mutated freaks on skis about to crash into each other
4. Frank the rabbit from Donnie Darko
5. Hands raised in supplication to, or perhaps summoning, some sort of demonic beastie thing.

If it helps, I've been playing lots of World of Warcraft lately.
1. The souls of dead children screaming in ecstasy.
2. A vile pit of putrescence, slowly being filled by my own spunk mixed with the blood of a young mother.
3. Letters written in purgatory while recanting all that I am (it seems this one looks into the future).
4. Christmas.
5. Severed toe salad.
Left to Right
-Looks like a distorted mask or encasing
-A Skull, reminds me of the Goatlord cover
-two rats holding swords facing back to back and scowling with evil eyes behind their backs at eachother
- An Insect like creature
- A mud monster sitting in a martinni glass while futuristic airplan/helicopter things fly by underneath
L to R:

- Top-down view of a spaceship
- Looks like the same spaceship but from the front
- 2 fetuses or something, facing away from eachother
- Beetle talisman or something
- Something involving bones
L to R

1. A military plane preparing to drop bombs on Afghanistan
2. An uglier than usual dog with its mouth wide open
3. A guy with shades and a moustache staring down an asshole in a bar
4. A cancerous lung
5. A cult making offerings in front of a painting of their chosen idol
W/O looking @ responses yet:

left ro right---

1) Kinda looks like the top (aerial view?) of the mask on that rabbit on Donnie Darko, the movie
2) Looks like a St. Bernard hurling up chunks.
3) Two midgets with really big heads, back-to-back, jerking off.
4) A jumping rabbit with smoke coming out it's ears.
5) Little monster dude playing the drums while spinning around really fast.

Oh well, lets see how my answers are compar3d to others now.

1. A cat-demon's head
2. A one-eyed beetle with a huge carapace and spread out arms with woolen mittens
3. Two big nosed men sitting back to back in a bowl of sorts
4. A cat/teddy bear creature with long curved arms sitting
5. An entity with it's head and clenched fits sticking out of a funnel at the top and his feet sticking out at the bottom

Seems I only saw creatues in those those pictures which makes me... an especially sensitive person searching for friendly creatures whereever he looks? :hypno:
1. A deranged catfish
2. A dog with glasses
3. A creature from Star Wars you might find at Mos Eisley. Namely, this guy:

4. A black cat with white paws and an alien coming out of its head.
5. Some sort of tribal fellow with squinting eyes and a bone through his nose.