The joy of grief stated earlier that all songs could be found on soulseek, i have been looking for them for a while but no succes, could ye maybe tell me at which user i can find them, much appreciated, if ye ever release it on cd i still wanna buy it but this is just so good i can´t wait.
O how I enjoy your praise! :dopey:

The interesting thing is that I also spammed a Shoegazer/Dreampop-board three weeks ago but didn't really get any feedback there. Only one guy has reacted so far, even though we play pretty much the kind of music that these guys are into. Compare that to the feedback in this very board.

Katatonia fans rule! :worship:
Hello Lars and Florian,

is there a chance to meet you guys tomorrow in Berlin at Columbia Club? I´ll be there with some friends to see Opeth (...for the 3rd time...).

Btw. Lars, don´t make me jealous: who is Maria?
Have fun at the Opeth concert! I think Cis will be there too.
Unfortunately I´ll probably won´t manage to see Opeth this yeat...wahhh!
Enjoy the gig for me too...

...and happy birthday Lars :)