Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale

Bumping this to share my experience listening this vile music. Just today, I was taking a nap while listening to The Maniacal Vale and had a weird psychedelic, lucid dream moment where I was seeing this dim, gray light then this darkness gripping hold of me. It felt something like being in a horrible earthquake while a demon gripped me by the shoulders and shook and screamed into my skull. Only thing that kept me from freaking out was that I knew I was in a dream, and wanted to experience this as long as possible. The whole thing felt like it lasted around 2 minutes before I went back into full sleep. And no, I'm not making this up, I swear.

It's my first Esoteric album and I've been listening to it for months, but it's so damn immense! I feel like I'll still be listening to this a year from now.

I just bought this album. it's the first time I'm listening to them actually. good stuff! And I'm not even really a fan of doom...